

May 24, 2004

PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Jim Trask, Keith Harris, Chris L’Heureux,

ABSENT: Jim Trask left meeting at 19:37

OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, T Poirier, Skip Cushman,

~Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:04




1. Jim Trask is still waiting for word from our Workers Comp policy holder. He will keep us advised.

2. Jim Trask states that he has gotten a price of approx $875 per culvert to be replaced; we are just waiting to get the final word on the blasting.

3. Contract for the blasting on Hight Road by Allen’s Drilling and Blasting, Inc. was discussed Motion Made by Ed LeBlanc 2ND by Keith Harris to accept this bid offer, passed 2/0 Signed Ed LeBlanc will drop off at Dayton Sand tomorrow.

4. No further word on the Dyer Road culvert yet it is in Hollis’s land and we are waiting for them. Ed Leblanc to get a copy of the bid packet from them.

5. Exit Interview with the Union 7 Superintendent will be conducted by the school board.

6. Mast road signs have been ordered and will be put up by Skip Cushman when they come in.

7. Ed LeBlanc has spoken to Trio and they will schedule a meeting in the next couple of weeks to evaluate our situation and what we need to start using the budgetary software.

8. Keith Harris gave the BOS a brief over view of the Ten Towns Meeting last week on the Palasky Proposal. Dayton would look at cutting approx $800,000 off the budget.


1. Skip Cushman was in to brief the BOS with the on goings of the School, 1st they have been looking at a large portable to be used for class rooms, several School Board members have gone and looked at it and they have said it is in good shape and Windham would be willing to hold any lien that may be needed, they believe that we can get the building for around $125,000 with about $100,000 or so to have set up and moved, the building was around $850,000 new. Lengthy discussion was held re ways to finance, Selectmen were in agreement to have the School Board look into this further and get firmer prices and get them to us ASAP so we can get it on the Annual Town Warrant for June 11th. The BOS also agree if we do this that the portable should be ready to go for the start of this school year. Skip will keep us informed.

2. Dayton School Board has written a letter to the Saco School Board re Saco taking our 6th graders into their middle school for the 2006-2007 start year as they do for our 7th and 8th graders with no contract.

3. Due to the Memorial Holiday Selectmen’s Meeting will be moved from Monday night to Tuesday night at the same time.

4. Pot holes on the Hollis road complaint from Mr. Paradis near the end of his driveway. Ed will speak to Dearborn’s and see if they will help patch that.


1. Contract for the blasting on Hight Road was signed with Allen’s Drilling and Blasting, Inc.

2. Bills received since the last Warrant.

3. Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes of the May 17th 2004 meeting.


1. Town Elections June 8th

2. Town Meeting June 11th at 1900


Motion by Jim Trask and seconded by Ed Leblanc to adjourn at 20:45

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)

_________________________Keith Harris

_________________________Jim Trask
