July 19, 2004
PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Keith Harris, Chris L’Heureux,
ABSENT: Jim Trask
OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, M, Souliere, T. Poirier,
Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:00
1. Still no word on the Dyer Road Culvert, Keith will call them and give us an update next week.
2. Bob from Trio will be here July 26, 2004 at 7pm for a demo on the budgetary software.
3. Harassment Plan is still being worked on Ed will work on it with the state to get us in compliance. He will be updating us soon.
4. Real Estate Abatements, Selectmen will work on them on August 2 2004.
5. School portable in making progress, Poirier Excavation will be ready for the tar tomorrow, there is a hold up with the State re number of toilets that need to be installed there will be a meeting tomorrow at 9:30 at the Lyman Town Office. Everything else is going ok at this time.
6. Mike Souliere got the Transfer Station locked back up. He has Given Jim Roberts 2 keys and Blow Brothers 2 keys. He will drop a key off to the Fire Dept. and on off for each Selectman.
7. Ed LeBlanc notified the Board that our Town Attorney is looking into the aspects of having a live auction for the sale of the Town Garage. Ed will keep us posted if this will be possible or not. Motion by Keith Harris 2nd by Ed LeBlanc to have a sealed bid process than a live auction. Due to ease of the sale and also have a land use description and notification of environmental concerns as part of the bid. Passed 2/0 Ed will talk to the Attorney and have it written.
8. Buda Road, Inquiry by Homer Gagnon 499-7857 wants to know when the road is going to be changed. Ed stated that the planning board was to take care of this. Keith Harris will take it to the Planning Boards attention.
1. We have been notified by International Salt Company that there are still 3 outstanding invoices for last winter totaling $2873.53. This is the responsibility of Paul Poirier Excavating. Ed LeBlanc has spoken to Paul Poirier and Paul Poirier will chase it out and get back to Ed LeBlanc by next week.
3. Complaint was received re the tar falling apart on Hollis Road by Jerry Paradis residence. Mike will look at it tomorrow and take care of it if he needs to.
4. Mike stated that he has notified Howard Trucking and Tractor (the company that did the culverts on Hight Road) about them being to short. They were to get back to him. We also got a bill from Dayton Sand for paving the tops of the replaced culverts. Bill was for $325. Ed will call Howard Trucking and Tractor and discuss these issues with them.
5. Assessor Wilma Harris wants to go to an Assessor School cost is $450.00 she goes every year. Motion By Keith Harris 2nd by Ed LeBlanc not to support the Assessors School due to the hiring of a part time Assessor. And doing away with our Elected Assessors.
6. Cell Phone bill was received by Tom Foster (ACO) Keith Harris wants him to come in and explain why he is sending this to us. Chris will notify him to come into a meeting and explain.
1. Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes of the July 12, 2004
2. Credit Application for Ralph Pill for School Portable work.
3. Maine DOT Urban – Rural initiative Program Certification.
1. Bob from Trio will be here on July 26, 2004 at 7pm for a demo on the budgetary software.
2. Meeting with the current Assessors re: the hiring of a Part Time Assessor on July 26, 2004 at 8pm
Motion by Jim Trask and seconded by Ed Leblanc to adjourn at 20:30
Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.
_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)
_________________________Keith Harris
_________________________Jim Trask