

October 25, 2004

PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Keith Harris, Jim Trask, Chris L’Heureux,


OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Mike Souliere, Wilma Harris, Wm Thompson, Ted Poirier, Skip Cushman

Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:00




1. Wilma Harris was in to see if the bus parking sign was going to be put up; Ed Leblanc told her it was as soon as the traffic flow problems are fixed. Skip stated that the handicap parking sign needs to be moved to the new entrance, and they want to change the one way to the opposite direction in the old driveway. Ed LeBlanc also stated that there needs to be a drop off zone only established by the new school entrance.

2. Dyer Road culvert update: there has been some interest from Paul Poirier and Jeff Sawyer, Ed told them what they had in there budget to get it done, They are going to take a look at it and get back to us.

3. Workers’ Comp. Jim Trask states it is all done, the school is paying the bill this year and Jim will be getting us a break down of what our portion of Worker’s Comp is.

4. Jim Trask stated that he checked with MMA on the legal age to be eligible for Animal Control Officer, He stated that their Legal Department told him it was 18 years old, This information was passed on to Jim Roberts.

5. Town Garage Bill of Sale has been draft by the Town Attorney and should be faxed to us for review tonight. This should be the final draft and ready to be signed and placed in the vault till the monies are received.

6. New part time Assessor, Ed LeBlanc requested for the current Assessors to get us a list of qualifications and partial job description so we can get this process rolling. Wm Thompson said he will do this and get it to us by next Monday night.

7. Ed LeBlanc asked Skip Cushman if he knew if the Sexual Harassment Plan was sent to the insurance company for approval, Skip said he wasn’t sure and would look into.

8. Skip stated there are a couple of small things left to be done but they are getting done and he is on top of it.

9. Skip States that the portable over expended around $6,000, he doesn’t have exact figures but in that area, they are going to cover this in house but they do not have a line item that it can be taken out of that is under the 5% they are allowed to transfer, so when they get it all done they will come to the selectmen and have them approve the transfer.


1. Wilma Harris request a school bus stop ahead sign on the Dyer Road just before the Hollis Road for a new student being pick up. Sign needs to go by the Havu residence near the chevron signs due to her stopping on the back side of that hill

2. TV’s dumped on Union Falls Road there are 3 of them, Keith Harris said he has a dump key and he will pick them up and dispose of them at the Dump.

3. Election’s are next week, Selectmen will be setting up on Monday night after the Selectmen’s meeting, All are encouraged to help, Warden position is filled by the Petersen’s they will be splitting this job, Virginia Procter says she is still working on Election Clerks but she thinks she will be all set. She will call Ed LeBlanc if she is not.


1. None


1. Public Hearing on the Palesky impact to the Town October 26 2004 at 6:30 pm.


Motion by Keith Harris and seconded by Ed Leblanc to adjourn at 20:00

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)

_________________________Keith Harris

_________________________Jim Trask
