

November 01, 2004

PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Keith Harris, Jim Trask, Chris L’Heureux,


OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Wm Thompson, Ted Poirier, M. Souliere,

Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:00




1. Rusty Keene has paid the balance on 10-27-04 for the old Town Garage, the sale is official and the lot belongs to Rusty Keene know.

2. Dennis Carrigan sent the Selectmen a form to fill out for the insurance company. This has to do with the Sexual Harassment Policy for the Town that is still in the works.

3. William Thompson talked about the New Assessor’s position; He is still working on a job description but thinks we need to get an ad out ASAP. To get the ball rolling. Chris will work will Bill Thompson to get this done.

4. Ed LeBlanc has talked to Becky Barley at the Town of Hollis, Hollis is not in a rush to do anything, and their Road Commissioner says it will be fine to do next year. Ed and Mike Souliere will keep up with this.


1. Mike is going to schedule to have some roads striped in the next couple of weeks. They are going to strip Hight Road, Hollis Road, Buzzell Road, River Road, Dyer Road, Roads that were done last year are going to be checked and see if they need to be redone or if they are going to be good to wait another year.

2. Meeting Adjourned at 20:00 to go to the All Purpose Building to set up for tomorrow’s election.


1. Bills since last Warrant.

2. Warrant #9

3. Minutes of the October 25, 2004 meeting

4. Minutes of the Public Hearing on October 26, 2004


1. Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing Tuesday November 9, 2004 at 7pm.


Motion by Keith Harris and seconded by Ed Leblanc to adjourn at 20:00

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)

_________________________Keith Harris

_________________________Jim Trask
