
Dayton Planning Board

February 17, 2009


Members Present: Dick Hall (Chair), Theresa Greeley-Payeur, Gary Cobleigh, Remi Caron, Valerie Cole (Alt.)


Others Present: Jim Roberts (CEO), Brian Plourde



Gary Cobleigh moved to approve the minutes from January 6, 2009; Theresa Greeley-Payeur seconded. All voted in favor. Remi Caron moved to approve the notes from February 3, 2009 and all voted in favor.


Old Business:

LINWOOD ACRES: Brian Plourde appeared before the Board to request an extension on Phase 2 of the Linwood Acres subdivision. He had originally planned to start it in the fall of 2008, but has been unable to because of the poor economy. He requested a two year extension to 2011 for Phase 2 with an extension to 2012 for Phase 3.


Members asked Jim Roberts if he had any concerns, but he did not see any complications. Remi asked how long it would be to start Phase 2; Mr. Plourde explained that he would have to put money in escrow.


Remi motioned to approve the extension on Phase 2 as requested, Gary seconded and all voted in favor.


No members from the Lyman Planning Board were present.


New Business:

CRITICAL RURAL DISTRICT: Jim handed out copies of the proposed zoning ordinance changes for shoreland zoning and explained the underlined changes. He noted that a couple spots had been missed on the land use map and it needs to be redone. A public hearing is required before the changes can be voted on. The public hearing will be scheduled as part of the next Planning Board meeting on March 17th.


The March 3, 2009 meeting will be canceled as there are no items on the agenda.


Remi motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:13 PM. Gary seconded, all voted in favor.





Valerie J. Cole, Secretary



Dick Hall, Chair

COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor