Dayton Planning Board
September 15, 2009
Members Present: Remi Caron (Chair), Dick Hall, Dan Plourde, Valerie Cole (Alt.)
Members Absent: Gary Cobleigh
Others Present: Jim Roberts (CEO)
Dick Hall motioned to approve the August 18, 2009 minutes. Dan Plourde seconded, all voted in favor.
Remi Caron may have a recruit for the Planning Board; more info will be forthcoming.
Old Business:
WINDMILLS/TURBINES: Members reviewed the draft and decided to not add the line referring to setbacks from town property, as the only town property is what is around the school and town hall and a small piece on Dyer Road. Jim noted that the wetland setback should be 150 feet in keeping with the Town ordinance.
Dick noted that it does not specifically address noise but the setbacks would tend to take care of that. The following section will be added to address noise:
Sound levels shall be measured at a height of at least four feet above the ground surface at all major lot lines of the proposed site. Sound levels shall be no more than five decibels above ambient noise levels. Ambient noise level, as addressed in Section 6.8 of the Dayton Town Ordinance, is as follows: 7 AM to 10 PM, 55 decibels; and 10 PM to 7 AM, 45 decibels. (See Section 6.8 in the Dayton Town Ordinance.)
Dan Plourde asked if height would matter. Dick felt that it was self-regulating because of the cost over 100 feet. Jim noted there is a height ordinance of 35 feet except for spires or towers such as cell phone towers, which are exempt in the ordinance. A tower has to be set back according to its height. A windmill that is 2000 feet from a residence would supersede that.
LINWOOD ACRES: It appears that minimal work is needed to bring the property to compliance. Jim received a bill for 2-1/2 hours of discussion from Pinkham and Greer, but suggested to Mr. Walker that he should send the bill to Linwood Acres LLC, as he met with them for discussion. The town is waiting on a final written report.
New Business: None discussed.
Dick moved to cancel the October 6 meeting, as there is nothing on the agenda. The next meeting will be October 20 at 7:30 PM.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. Dick moved, Dan seconded, all voted in favor.
Valerie J. Cole, Secretary
Remi Caron, Chair
COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor