05-05-2009 Planning Board Meeting

Dayton Planning Board

Regular Meeting

May 5, 2009


Members Present: Dick Hall, Remi Caron, Theresa Greeley-Payeur, Dan Plourde, Valerie Cole (Alt.)

Others Present: Jim Roberts (CEO), John Gay, John Parker



Dick Hall called the regular meeting to order at 7:09 PM.


Remi Caron motioned to accept the minutes of April 7, 2009 as compiled by Theresa Greeley-Payeur. Dan Plourde seconded and all voted in favor.


Old Business:

WATER EXTRACTION RIGHTS: Jim Roberts told the Planning Board of an upcoming Farm Bureau meeting on Wednesday, May 6 at Harris Farm. The State hydrologist will be there to address water extraction issues.


New Business:

TOWN HALL FLAG POLE: Although not present, member Gary Cobleigh had expressed concern previously about the flag pole being moved from the island near the road. He sent a message asking that the flag pole issue be placed on the agenda for the next meeting


 Jim Roberts explained that he had the flag pole moved already and felt there was no need to come before the Planning Board about it because it is not a structure.


Dick looked at the Town Ordinance and could not find anything about flag poles other than height; it does not need a permit. He felt there was no issue about compliance.


Resident John Parker asked if it is lit all the time. It is currently, but Dick explained that the rule has been relaxed at the national level because of energy concerns and environmental concerns with light pollution. 


Remi noted that the previous discussion, held during the new Town Hall approval process in July 2008, was more of a casual discussion on aesthetics, not because the flag pole had to fit an ordinance.


Dick pointed out that the having the flag pole in the island was a major safety concern; it is too close to the power lines and transformer. The Board’s discussion centered around the fact that it was moved for safety and aesthetic reasons and Jim was within his power to move it. There is nothing in the ordinance to address location.


Mr. Parker mentioned again that as a veteran, his concern was that it be lit all the time.


No further action was taken.


PERSONNELL: Dick informed members that he would be submitting a letter of resignation as Chair within the next few days. Remi would be filling the position. He plans to remain on the Board.


Remi motioned to cancel the May 19th meeting due to lack of agenda items. The next meeting will be June 2.


Theresa motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 PM and Remi seconded. All voted in favor.






Valerie J. Cole, Secretary



Dick Hall, Chair

COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor