Dayton News 01/22/2025

DAYTON NEWS 01/22/2025

Youth Full Maine Food Distribution: Thursday, January 23, 2025, from 2 pm until 3 pm. The van will be set up at Dayton Town Hall.

UPDATE- SPECIAL TOWN MEETING: Monday, January 27, 2025 at 6 p.m.

Please check out the warrant article at

Select Board Meeting: Monday, January 27, 2025 at (following the special meeting).

TRASH UPDATE- Due to the snowstorm this past Sunday evening (January 19th), there were several places in town the driver could not safely access. Casella will not pick up trash outside of the approved trash bins or any trash placed in other containers as well as trash bins behind snowbanks or bins that have been knocked over. The driver can only use the lever system on the truck to load waste material.


Dog Registrations are available for 2025. You are obligated to license your dog in the municipal clerk's office annually on or before January 31, 2025. If you fail to do so, you may be called upon by a police officer, constable, sheriff, or animal control officer and summonsed to court. A late fee of $25.00 will be applied starting on February 1st.

Please bring the "Maine Certification of Rabies Vaccination" proof that your dog has been immunized against rabies.  If you have not already done so, bring with you proof that a veterinarian has issued a written certificate stating that the dog(s) is incapable of producing young because of spaying or neutering.

If your dog is no longer living or is not in your possession at this time, kindly advise this office so that our records may be corrected, as we are not automatically informed by the veterinary office.

The online registration portal is available on the Town of Dayton website however, this is a new software program that requires additional information to be entered to obtain the new dog license. The staff at Dayton Town Hall will be happy to assist with your registration during normal business hours.

If you have already registered your dog in person or online for 2025, THANK YOU!!

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer at ph#207-499-7526, ext. 1.