April 5, 2004
PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Keith Harris, Jim Trask. L’Heureux,
OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Mike Sukalas (Lyman Snow Mobile Club), D. Robinson.
~Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:04
1. Weight signs pulled today by Jim Roberts.
2. Height Road culverts still need to go out to bid so action can be taken on this, it was recommended by Dwight Anderson to have the bids written up as done by DOT specs. Discussion was held if anyone knew what DOT specs were, discussion was also held that a number of culverts would need to be given out so everyone is bidding on the same standard. Selectman Keith Harris has request to get the spec sheet that Mark Moores has done on the culverts on Height Road, Chris L’Heureux said he would contact him and get the sheet or have him at next weeks meeting.
3. The Private Road sign for Nason Lane is in and just needs to be installed. Selectman Ed LeBlanc said he would contact Skip Cushman and see if he will be able to get that done.
4. School Committee member is still needed for the elections at this time only 1 person has taken out papers and there are 2 positions, Virginia Procter stated that papers will need to be in by April 20, 2004, Selectmen stated they need to get the word out ASAP to find someone.
1. Mike Sukalas is in tonight re: getting the Towns share of the snowmobile registration funds approx $8.00 per sled registered. They would request $5.00 of that money to help maintain the trails in Dayton. Ed LeBlanc questioned the use of a Mike Sukalas ATV’s on the trails on the off season, Mike Sukalas stated that they do post no ATV"S signs on trails that are being illegally used by ATV"S. Besides that the only thing that can be done is call law enforcement. They would like an Article in the Town Warrant to have the voters approve this. Motion made by Keith Harris for an article to appropriate $5.00 per snowmobile registration to be turned over to the Lyman Snowmobile Club, for the use of maintaining snow mobile trails in Dayton. Ed LeBlanc has asked Jim Roberts to look into the laws re turning the snowmobile registration funds to the local club.
2. Workers Comp insurance update by Jim Trask he stated that he has contacted the school and they are also paying Workers Comp for the school employee’s so we shouldn’t be, he has yet to contact the insurance company but will, to see if we can get some type of refund and get the policy right.
3. Budget Committee presented the 2004-2005 budget was presented to the Selectman.
4. Motion by Jim Trask 2nd by Keith Harris to not put the requested article form the Goodwins Mills Fire Dept. for the Training Incentive Program on this years Town Warrant, Passed all in favor.
5. Motion by Keith Harris not to put the social service request that were not supported by the Budget Committee on this years Warrant. 2nd by Ed LeBlanc. No Discussion, Passed 3/0
6. Motion by Keith Harris 2nd by Ed LeBlanc to move $2500 out of the Contingent Article and put it in the Article we had last year for the Comprehensive Plan. Passed 3/0
7. Motion by Keith Harris 2nd by Ed LeBlanc to decrease the $6,000 they had requested in the Computer Article to $2,000 due to monies left over in that account. Passed 2/0
8. The Article for the Land Fund was discussed, Motion by Keith Harris 2nd by Ed LeBlanc to have wordage in it to state that monies will only be released by a Town vote. Passed. 2/0
9. Selectman LeBlanc stated we need to work on the rest of the Articles for the Warrant. Chris L’Heureux stated he would get them done this week and present all articles to the Selectmen next Monday night for approval with tonight’s corrections made.
1. None
1. Update on the middle school situation is April 7, 2004 in the gym
2. ZBA meeting April 8, 2004 re: the Cellular Tower on Tardiff’s property.
3. Town Elections June 8th
4. Town Meeting June 11th at 1900
Selectman Jim Trask left the meeting at 19:55 for a personal commitment.
Motion by Keith Harris and seconded by Ed Leblanc to adjourn at 21:00
Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.
_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)
_________________________Keith Harris
_________________________Jim Trask