Dayton Planning Board
September 6, 2011
Present: Remi Caron (Chair), Rand Clark, Valerie Cole (Alt)
Town Employees: Jim Roberts (CEO)
Others: Shaun Girard, Chris Boisvert
The minutes from August 2, 2011 were read and approved.
Old Business:
FIREWORKS: No further action.
New Business:
CIA SALVAGE INC, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR GRAVEL PIT: Shaun Girard submitted a CUP application to the Board for a gravel pit on South Street. The pit, recently purchased by CIA Salvage from the City of Biddeford, is approximately 20 acres. Remi Caron asked if the applicants intend to change the use of the pit; Jim Roberts explained they must apply for a CUP because the pit has not been active for several years. CIA Salvage would like to use the pit for excavation and storage. The storage would be for material that is excavated from outside lots, reclaimed, and hauled back out. They would like to process the hot top and asphalt left there by the previous owner; it can be crushed down and used in driveways and fill, but isn't good enough for roads. There are approximately 10,000 yards there now.
Jim Roberts asked if they would haul in or store stumps. Mr. Girard said they would not; they would stockpile sand or gravel from some jobs and then haul it back out to other jobs. At some point they will want to start screening, probably for a couple days at a time. CIA Salvage owns a screener.
Mr. Girard does not think there is much material there other than the reclaim. Mr. Boisvert thought that they might generate enough material to screen once a year. He explained that 8500 tons or seven yards can be processed in a couple days. If there is less material than that, it isn’t really worth the time or effort.
Remi Caron told the applicant that the Planning Board had recently placed a contingency on another pit, at neighbors’ requests, prohibiting crushing and blasting. Mr. Boisvert explained that any screening or crushing would be done during business hours, as there are houses nearby. Rand Clark asked about the noise level. Mr. Girard explained that the screening is not as loud as crushing. He stated that the material there is not in large pieces, and seems to be material that would break down easily. Mr. Boisvert explained that they may not even crush, they may screen for larger pieces. It is unknown what may be beneath the old gravel, hot top and bricks.
Mr. Boisvert does not anticipate much vehicle traffic, maybe a truck at a time. At this point the plan is to take out some of the 10,000 yards that is currently there and bring other material in for storage.
Remi Caron asked if they had reviewed the town ordinance with regard to gravel pits, and offered to supply Mr. Girard with a copy. He explained that the Planning Board will schedule a site walk and public hearing and will notify the neighbors.
A site walk and public hearing is scheduled for October 4th, 2011, at 6:00 PM. The public hearing will follow after at Dayton Town Hall. Parking for the site walk will be on Bedard Lane.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Valerie J. Cole, Secretary
Remi Caron, Chair
COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor