
Dayton Planning Board

May 17, 2011


Present: Remi Caron (Chair), Dick Hall, Dan Plourde, Pat Sughrue, Rand Clark, Valerie Cole (Alt.), Town Employees Present: Jim Roberts (CEO)


Administrative: The May 3, 2011 minutes were read and approved. Dick Hall motioned, Dan Plourde seconded, and all voted in favor.


Old Business:

AHERN GRAVEL PIT, CC ROAD: Members reviewed the conditions and notes for another small gravel pit in preparation for next week’s site walk and public hearing on the Ahern property. Jim Roberts noted that the Ahern pit is different in that it comes out on a state road rather than a town road. Members also reviewed the gravel pit guidelines in Section 7.6 of the Dayton Zoning Ordinance.


Dan Plourde noted that the other pit had a limit to the amount of material removed. Jim explained that the limit had been determined by the pit’s owner as a way to control the traffic on the town road. This won't necessarily apply to the Ahern pit as it exits onto a state road and it appears there won't be much material removed from the pit.


Dick Hall suggested that the Board require proof of adequate liability insurance. Jim Roberts noted that probably the contractor removing the material is self-insured.


Dick Hall asked about limiting hours of activity and requiring a reclamation plan. Remi Caron thought that probably the hour limitations were in consideration of neighbors, and this pit is removed from residences. Dick Hall noted that the slope of the pit is mild and perhaps reclamation isn't a big concern. The Board will have a better opinion after the site walk.


Dick Hall suggested that activities should be limited to the extraction of the material present. Any other activities, such as producing hot top or crushing or blasting material would require another visit to the Board for another permit. This may also lead the Board to consider limiting hours. The Board will determine after the site walk whether or not fencing and/or berms are needed. It is the owner’s responsibility to acquire all state and federal permits. The site will not be used to store or dispose of any material from off site with the exception of clean gravel and aggregates.


The zoning ordinance code will be referenced in the CUP conditions, with the addition of the proof of liability insurance requirements.


New Business:  None discussed.


The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. The Board will meet on Tuesday, May 24th, at 6:00 PM for the site walk of the Ahern property and will hold a public hearing at 7:00 PM at Town Hall.



Valerie J. Cole, Secretary



Remi Caron, Chair

COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor