
Dayton Planning Board

December 18, 2012


Members Present: Remi Caron (Chair), Rand Clark, Valerie Cole (Alt.)

Town Employees Present: Jim Roberts (CEO), Jerry Taylor (Selectman)



Dick Hall has indicated that he will be on stand-by if needed.


Old Business:

None discussed.


New Business:

TOAD ISLAND ROAD: Jerry Taylor said that while reviewing town maps, he noticed there is one from 1983 where someone annotated Toad Island Road. He would like to look at the Planning Board minutes from 1982-83 to see if there are any notes regarding the road. Jim Roberts said Wilma Harris named the road as she was the 911 assessor at the time. Jerry Taylor would like to see if there is evidence that the town owns the road. It is deteriorating and is close to the land overseen by the SRCC, and at some point the town will have to address ownership because of potential liability issues. Jersey barriers were installed and now there is concern because of deterioration of the road shoulders. Mr. Taylor wonders if the road was conveyed to the town. If nothing was conveyed and someone put in a road and the town maintained and plowed the road for 20+ years, then the town owns it by conscription and is locked into it. He is concerned that the town is headed toward a liability situation. There seems to be nothing granted in terms of an easement or right-of-way for a turn-around for a plow truck. There should be something documented by the resident that allows the town to do it officially. He has seen the deeds that the tax assessor has and he plans to go to York County Courthouse to research the deeds of the lots abutting the road. There is a deed that addresses a pin at the beginning of Toad Island Road from possibly 1990.


Jim Roberts pulled old records from the vault. He will look through the records this week.


The meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 15, 2013.




Valerie J. Cole, Secretary



Remi Caron, Chair

COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor