
Dayton Planning Board

October 2, 2012


Members Present: Remi Caron (Chair), Dan Plourde, Rand Clark, Valerie Cole (Alt.)

Town Employees: Jim Roberts (CEO )

Public: Lyla Kyriazi, Rick Ahearn



Minutes from August 21, 2012 were read and approved. Dan Plourde motioned, Rand Clark seconded. All voted in favor.

Minutes from September 18, 2012 were read and approved. Dan Plourde motioned, Rand Clark seconded. All voted in favor.


Old Business:

LINWOOD ACRES LLC: Lyla Kyriazi appeared before the Board to request a two-year extension on Phase 3 of Linwood Acres, which consists of two lots. Phase 2 is done: currently one lot has been sold and two lots remain to be sold.  Last year she requested an extension and Phase 3 was extended from 2011 to 2012. She would like the extension because of the economy. Rand Clark motioned to extend the deadline to 2014. Dan Plourde seconded and all voted in favor. 


RICK AHEARN, REVIEW OF COOKS BROOK LOT: Rick Ahearn owns a three-acre lot in Cooks Brook subdivision that is currently non-buildable: it requires Planning Board review and approval before any activity can be conducted, according to the subdivision plan. He has potential buyers and needs Planning Board approval to sell the lot. The abutter on Lot 27 has an easement for the installation of a septic system. Mr. Ahearn’s lot has no septic system. It has 253 feet of frontage along a right-of-way. The land is elevated, slopes down to a stream, and has no wetlands according to Mr. Ahearn. It is located in the Rural Fields zone.


Board members examined the subdivision plan and reviewed Notes 6, 7, and 9 regarding the resource protection zone, the sewage disposal systems, and ground water. It was noted that the setbacks indicated on the map were compliant with standards at the time the subdivision was established, but the standards have changed and it is necessary to comply with current zoning. It is possible to build a house on the front part of the lot that would meet current setbacks and be sufficient distance from the brook.


Jim Roberts suggested that the Planning Board require at least two test pits: one within the easement area and one within the building envelope.


The right-of-way would need to be extended 22 feet to 275 feet on the plan to meet current requirements.


Mr. Ahearn will have his lawyer write a deed restriction with the following requirements: 

  • An easement shall be created for the abutter for potential construction of a septic system
  • Right-of-way shall be extended to 275 feet
  • Two test pits shall be dug, one within the easement and one within the potential building envelope


Mr. Ahearn anticipates that the deed restriction will be ready for Planning Board review at the next meeting on October 16th.


The Planning Board adjourned at 8:15 PM. Next meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at Dayton Town Hall.









Valerie J. Cole, Secretary



Remi Caron, Chair

COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor