Dayton Planning Board
July 20, 2010
Members Present: Remi Caron (Chair), Dick Hall, Dan Plourde, Pat Sughrue, Rand Clark, Valerie Cole (Alt.)
Others Present: Jim Roberts (CEO)
June 15, 2010 minutes were read and approved. Dan Plourde motioned, Dick Hall approved.
New members Rand Clark and Pat Sughrue were introduced.
Old Business:
LINWOOD ACRES: Jim Roberts indicated that the escrow check for Phase 2 has been received. No one from 535 Goodwins Mills Road LLC attended the meeting.
The Fire Department has asked that the cistern be filled. Either Jim Roberts or the secretary will send a request to Lyla Kyriazi.
Phase 1 has been completed to the Planning Board’s approval: Phase 2 is underway. Steve Sterns is the engineer now doing the inspections for the firm of Pinkham and Greer.
Dick Hall explained to the new members that subdivisions in Dayton are now required to have paved roads unless the Planning Board votes to waive the requirement. This is a case of enforcing the ordinance, not enacting a new one. He also explained that Board members voted to require a fire cistern in this subdivision, which hadn’t previously been done.
CELLULAR TOWER: Dick Hall asked if there has been any activity with the Tardiff Lane cell tower; Jim Roberts said no one has been in to talk with him since the Conditional Use Permit was amended in May.
WINDMILLS: The windmill ordinance proposal still needs to go through a public hearing before it is presented for vote in November. Town Attorney David Ordway has reviewed it and feels it will suffice for now.
New Business:
SMRPC AND YORK COUNTY EMA MEETING: A few Board members indicated that they would try to attend the upcoming EMA meeting on July 29th in East Waterboro.
Dick Hall motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:20. There is nothing on the agenda for August 3rd. The next meeting will be Tuesday, August 17th.
Valerie J. Cole, Secretary
Remi Caron, Chair
COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor