
Dayton Planning Board

September 7, 2010


Present: Dick Hall, Dan Plourde, Pat Sughrue, Rand Clark, Valerie Cole (Alt)

Other Present: Jim Roberts, Bob and Louise Paradis


Administrative: Dan Plourde motioned to accept the minutes of August 17, 2010. Pat Sughrue seconded. All voted in favor.


New Business:

WIND ENERGY:  Members reviewed the proposed ordinance drawn up in September 2009. This was reviewed also by Town Attorney David Ordway. Jim Roberts suggested that the setbacks could be different for large scale projects versus home projects. He also thought maybe there isn't enough time to get this on the November ballot. Dick Hall noted that it might be better to wait and do more work on it over the winter, specifically looking at small home units versus large.


LOUISA’S PIZZA: Bob and Louise Paradis would like to carry some convenience groceries, such as bread, butter, and other small staples. They are also considering carrying beer, as many customers ask for it. They have not yet talked with the state liquor commission. At most it would be six-packs. They feel that not having beer impacts the business, as people tend to go elsewhere where they can get beer with their pizza. They feel also that people are going to other places for pizza when they need other supplies. Bob Paradis noted that D&H is closing in November, so after that Dayton residents have to travel to get small groceries.


Dick Hall noted that they have sufficient parking. Jim Roberts noted it is a permitted use in a mixed use zone.


Bob Paradis felt they would not go later than 8 PM, but may change to start as early as 11 AM. He felt there would be little impact to the neighbors. He presented a sketch showing the floor plan with more racks. The beer cooler would be in an area that is not as easily accessed.


Dick Hall noted that it is a mixed use site and whether or not they carry beer and cigarettes is between them and the state. Dick suggested that if the Board wanted to set hours of operation, they could say 6 AM to 9 PM.

Rand Clark wondered if the 6 AM would be too early for the neighbors though in terms of noise. Jim Roberts noted that one of the neighbors was the landlord. After discussion, members thought maybe 7 AM would be a more reasonable start time. If this becomes an issue the Board can revisit it.

 Amend to read "Board members voted in favor to approve this addendum to the Conditional Use Permit for Louisa's Pizza."


FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT PARKING SPACES, SKELTON DAM: A representative will probably visit the Planning Board on September 21 to discuss adding five vehicle-only parking spaces at Skelton Dam, as required by the Federal Energy Regulation Commission.. Abutters will be notified of the meeting. Jim Roberts noted that there have been hardly any complaints since Florida Power and Light posted a security guard at the parking area.


US CELLULAR TOWER: No microwave dish has been installed yet on the Tardiff Lane tower. Members reviewed a letter from Bob Gashlin expressing concern about the wording in Condition 12 of the Conditional Use Permit. Members took no action on the letter, as all felt that the conditions in the Conditional Use Permit addressed Mr. Gashlin’s concerns already.


The meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM. The next meeting is scheduled for September 21, 7:00 PM at Town Hall.





Valerie J. Cole, Secretary



Remi Caron, Chair

COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor