
Dayton Planning Board

Site Walk

Skelton Dam, Union Falls Rd, Dayton

September 28, 2010


Members Present: Remi Caron (Chair), Dan Plourde, Valerie Cole (Alt.)


Others Present: Jim Roberts (CEO), Ted Poirier (Selectman), Ernest DeLuca and Mike Swett (FPL ENERGY), abutters Becky and Craig Frappier, Raymond Ferland, Alan Huguenin


FPL ENERGY has been directed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to create five additional vehicle-only parking spaces at Skelton Dam. At the Sept. 21 Planning Board meeting Mr. DeLuca presented plans proposing to install the spaces in the grassy area in front of the gate leading to the dam. The area would be leveled and covered with gravel, then concrete parking barriers would be placed. This would satisfy the requirements imposed by FERC. FPL ENERGY would also be willing to look at a long term project of creating access to the parking area by coming in from Company Road, through the trees. This would help alleviate the traffic on Union Falls Road.


Abutters indicated their unhappiness with the parking situation while noting that it has improved since FPL ENERGY has hired security personnel to staff the area during weekends.


Mr. DeLuca pointed out that the security staff was already using the grassy area for parking cars, and he felt this was a good solution that would fulfill FERC’s requirement with minimal impact to the abutters.


Mr. Swett explained that a hand-out on three other boat launches is given to arriving boaters when the lot is full.


Abutters indicated that the plan as presented was acceptable, as it involves space that is already used for parking. They would not be in favor of moving the gate closer to the dam to create a new space.


Mr. DeLuca noted that originally the federal agencies involved wanted to create 20 new parking spaces, but have agreed to five.


Planning Board members recommended that the plan be approved as presented. Members will meet on Tuesday, October 5 and formally vote on the application.






Valerie J. Cole, Secretary



Remi Caron, Chair

COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor