PRESENT: Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Ed LeBlanc, Chris L’Heureux,
OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Mike Souliere, Connie Hill, Barbara Petersen, Skip Cushman, Michael Lafortune, Connie Lambert, Shawn Dutremble, Kathie Winchenbach, Lisa Morse, Dan Gay, Paul Poirier, Mike Polakewich,
Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at
1. WORKSHOP: 18:15 A workshop meeting was held between the Selectmen, School Board and the Budget Committee to discuss the preliminary School Budget for the 2006/2007 School Year, Michael Lafortune introduced Kathie Winchenbach to both Boards, she is the new Business Manager for Union 7, preliminary discussion was held re the budget out look and the state funding through the EPS Formula, it is looking as if the Town of Dayton will be loosing $26,000 this year in funding. After some discussion it was decided Budget Committee will have another workshop Meeting with the School Board at
1. Ed LeBlanc spoke to Maxine Pouravelis re the Stoutenburg property on Danley Road, Maxine has drafted up a consent agreement re the set backs on the property, the Selectmen are reviewing it and Ed will have Maxine send a copy to the Stoutenburg’s and to their possible buyer’s attorneys for their approval, Ed will try to get everyone’s input next week for a vote.
2. Board of Selectmen had a discussion with Paul Poirier re salt bills not being paid and they checked on the sand and salt on hand, Paul stated that they had a couple hundred yards on hand. Complaints that have been logged at the selectmen’s office were addressed with Paul; He was told that he needs to pay more attention to the school yard, and certain roads. Paul was receptive to the discussions and stated he would take care of it.
3. Ed LeBlanc got a letter from Smith Elliott PA re the Schavi situation; they have reviewed our case extensively and have agreed that we have a good case. Smith and Elliott PA are sending Schavi a letter letting them know what our position is and that we should meet or we are proceeding with our suit. Ed will stay on top of this and keep the Board posted.
1. Mike Polakewich was in to discuss the poor road condition of RT 35, there has been a petition going around and they have collected over 1500 signatures, they have also been asking for letters from area boards of Selectmen.
2. Dan Gay stopped in after the budget committee meeting to inform us that Connie Hill and Dan Gay will be Co- Chairing the committee together, they are having a meeting on
3. Ted Poirier got a job description on the Town Clerk and Tax Collector from MMA he has passed out a copy for the other selectmen to review; they want to finalize the job descriptions ASAP so they can pass them out with the papers as people take them out.
4. Motion by Ted Poirier 2nd by Jim Trask to hold next weeks meeting on Tuesday at
5. Ed LeBlanc notified Mike Souliere of a hole in the shoulder by
1. Selectmen’s Minutes of the
2. Budget Committee workshop Meeting with the School Board at
Motion by Ed LeBlanc and seconded by Jim Trask to adjourn at
*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.
_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)
_________________________Ed Leblanc
_________________________Jim Trask