
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

July 3, 2006

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Jim Trask, Jim Roberts

ABSENT:  Angela Cushman


Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00





1.      Jim Trask abatement letter is complete and copy needs to go to Tax Collector.  The abatement letter has been mailed to the individual.

2.      Jim Trask to follow up on PSAP with Biddeford.  Biddeford is in negotiations with Dayton & Arundel.  There are some concerns, because Dayton does not have their own dispatch.  Jim Trask will keep following up with Biddeford.

3.      A contract was received from David Ordway, the new town attorney.  Selectmen reviewed contract.  Ted Poirier to sign and return.  Our files from the old attorney, Maxine Pouravelis, will be sent here first and then will be forwarded to David Ordway.

4.      Selectmen discussed the status on the Comprehensive Plan.  Jim Roberts is in the process of reviewing the zoning ordinances and will bring a list of changes to the Selectmen.   Jim Roberts will contact Paul Shoemaker, SMRP, to get a new land use map for the town. Public Hearing will need to be held to approve land use map and any changes to the zoning ordinances.

5.      Selectmen discussed having signs put up the boat launch.  Ed LeBlanc will contact Florida Power Light about providing up some signs.

6.      Selectmen discussed status on Town Ballfields and Mast Rd work.  Angela Cushman to put ad in the paper for bids.



1.      Selectmen reviewed letter from Julie Petrin notifying Town she will not accepting position of Dayton School Committee Member.  Motion by Jim Trask to accept Julie Petrin’s letter, 2nd by Ed LeBlanc. Passed 3/0.

2.      Motion by Jim Trask to declare a vacancy in the position of Dayton School Committee and to give the Dayton School Committee the authority to appoint someone to fill the vacant seat within 30 days.  The person appointed would serve until the next annual town meeting; 2nd by Ted Poirier.  Passed 3/0.

3.      MMA survey to be filled out by Angela Cushman.

4.      Jim Roberts asked the Selectmen if they still wanted surveying done on the village district zoning.  The Selectmen asked Jim Roberts to contact Amos Gay to see if he would be interested in determining the village district zoning.

5.      The Selectmen reviewed the TABOR survey received from MMA.  The survey will be completed and sent out by Michelle Boisjoly.







1.      None


  Motion by Jim Trask and seconded by Ed Leblanc to adjourn at 20:15

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
