PRESENT: Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Ed Leblanc, Chris L’Heureux,
OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Paul Poirier
Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at
APPOINTMENTS: 1. Andrew Cole 3 year term for the Board of Appeals
2. Douglas Hill 3 year term for an alternate on the Board of Appeals
3. William Saltzer 2 year term for the Board of Appeals
4. Bruce Monroe 1 year term for the Board of Appeals
5. Amos Gay 2 year term for the Board of Appeals
6. William Harris 1 year term for the Board of Appeals
1. Ted Poirier went to a meeting in Saco re Hazardous Waste Disposal, they are looking at forming a group and having several different dates in for pick up, they will not be in Dayton It is going to cost us $30 per house hold, (household is considered 5 gals of hazardous waste) it will cost us $200 to join, advertising will be divided by the towns when done, at this time there are 7 towns that are going to be involved. The tentative date is
1. Angela Cushman was in to brief the Selectmen on the status of the current budget and to give the Selectmen worksheets to start working on the 2006/2007 budget. Angela is going to set up a meeting with the Auditor for
2. Chris told the Board that Heather Pinet has resigned from the Planning Board due to lack of time, Ed LeBlanc stated that we need Planning Board Members, He asked the Selectmen to think about it and to get back next week with some names of possible candidates.
3. Paul Shoemaker came in and briefed the Board on his meeting with the Planning Board, They are going to redo the land use map and then resubmit to the State Planning Office.
4. Ed LeBlanc stated that he has heard that there is a lot of interest in the available Clerk and Tax Collector’s Positions but they are requesting what the position pays. Ed will get the state averages and discuss it next week.
5. Jim Roberts was in to discuss his letter with the Selectmen the possibility of a Mobile Home Park being proposed to go in on RT35 at the SDI pit. He feels that any residential development in this area is a safety issue to public health he is requesting a moratorium on development in this area till the Town can look into the issue and make necessary changes to make it safer to the public. Selectmen discussed this at length; Ed LeBlanc made a Motion to accept the recommendations of the Code Enforcement Officer and start the Moratorium process, 2nd by Ted Poirier passed 3/0. Ed will discuss this with the Town Attorney and have her draft a Moratorium Ordinance then schedule a Public hearing and a vote date. (copy of the Code Officers letter is attached)
1. Selectmen’s Minutes of the
2. Warrant of
3. Appointment papers for Board of Appeals
1. Meeting with the Auditor
Motion by Jim Trask and seconded by Ted Poirier to adjourn at
*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.
_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)
_________________________Ed Leblanc
_________________________Jim Trask