
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

August 21, 2006

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Angela Cushman, Jim Trask


OTHERS PRESENT: Nancy Harriman, Captain Lang (GMFD)

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00






1.      Selectmen discussed prepayments and overpayments of real estate taxes and personal property taxes.  Motion by Ed LeBlanc to Accept #2 and the overpayment resolution as submitted by the Town Attorney; 2nd by Jim Trask.  Passed 3/0. 

2.      Ed LeBlanc to follow up on the flag and pole for the Town Office.



1.      Nancy Harriman communicated to the Selectmen that Ron Wormwood will be resigning from the Planning Board.  A new member will need to be found for the board.  The website and the board will be updated looking for a new member.

2.      GMFD, Captain Lang was in to discuss the possibility of starting a rural community flag flying on telephone poles.  To get started the Selectmen would need to sign an agreement and then get sign off from Verizon and CMP. The thought is to fly flags from Rod & Gun Club through Goodwin Mills, and near the Dayton Town Hall and School.  GMFD is willing to maintain the flags and poles and solicit donations.  Flags would be flown from Memorial Day through Columbus Day.  CMP will come out and survey the poles and designate which poles could be used for this purpose.  Captain Lang will come back in with a proposal.  A copy of agreement will be given to the Town once the proposal is complete.    Selectmen signed the agreement.

3.      GMFD would like to start Courtesy Inspections of businesses and schools.  A one page check sheet would be completed and a copy forwarded to the Town.  Life safety issues will be issued with a timeframe.  If there is financial impact, the Fire Department will work with the individuals.  If businesses do not work with Fire Dept, life safety issues will be forwarded to the Fire Marshal.  GMFD sees this as an education initiative for both the fire fighters and businesses.  Captain Lang will obtain a list of businesses from the Town’s Tax Assessor.

4.      Selectmen discussed the amount to be paid to Town Employees for attending training classes.  Motion by Jim Trask to pay training class time plus travel time - Augusta 3 hrs (roundtrip) and Portland 1 hr (roundtrip); 2nd by Ed LeBlanc.  Passed 3/0.



1.      Accounts Payable Warrant dated 08/23/06.

2.      Selectmen Meeting Minutes dated 7/31/06 and 08/07/06.





  Motion by Ed LeBlanc and seconded by Ted Poirier to adjourn at 20:05.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
