PRESENT: Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Ed Leblanc, Chris L’Heureux,
OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Angela Cushman, Christen Smith, Mike Souliere, Andy Howard, Amos Gay
Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at
APPOINTMENTS: 1. Richard Hall for the Planning Board for 3 years.
1. Andy Howard was in to discuss the recent talk of the Development Moratorium on RT 35 in the area of the gravel pits. He had concerns with the fact that he has been spending money on this project and now the town is going forward with a Moratorium on the area he has been spending money on his proposed development a 50 + Park. He feels that the Code Enforcement Officer was not truthful with him in not letting him know that he was going to request a moratorium.
2. Ted Poirier asked Mille Tuttle to discuss with the 11 Towns group as if they have a Hazardous Waste program. She will be in next week to discuss it with the Selectmen.
3. Ed LeBlanc was unable to get a hold of the Town Attorney re the questions the Selectmen had on the Moratorium Ordinance due to her being on vacation, Ed Left a message and will call her again next Monday.
4. Planning Board Members were discussed and there is an interested citizen, Richard Hall. Motion by Jim Trask 2nd by Ed LeBlanc to Appoint Richard Hall to a 3 year term on the Planning Board. Passed 3/0
5. Discussion was held again on Town position salaries and benefits, Selectmen want more time to look at this and will make there decision next week.
1. Christen Smith from MacDonald Page & Co LLC (Town Auditors) was in to discuss the 2005 Audit Report with the Selectmen and the Financial Statement, He stated that the Bond Banks look for towns to have up to 25% on their Annual Budget in an undesignated fund account. He went over in detail the Financial Statement and he also went over a Management Letter of our procedures. Their concern was the limited number of people we had to handle the money in the Town, The same people who take the money, deposit the money, open bank statements, reconcile the accounts and write the checks, The auditors believe that there should be a least one more person involved to receive, open, review, the Bank Statements and review the reconcile statement. He recommended that we institute a policy that all transactions in the town receive a receipt. This would create a paper trail on all monies.
2. Mike Souliere was in to discuss that he is working on his budget for roads in the 2006/2007. He will have it done for next week to discuss with the Selectmen.
3. Jim Trask told Mike Souliere that the DOT Commissioner will be in on
4. Amos Gay was in per the request of Ed LeBlanc to discuss the possibility of amending some zoning ordinances; The Selectmen are initiating working on some zoning changes. Work was done on some possible drafts to take to the voters. (Copies attached.)
1. Selectmen’s Minutes of the
2. 2 Back Ground Checks for Maine State Police for concealed weapons permits.
3. Warrant of
4. Appointment paper for Richard Hall.
1. None
Motion by Jim Trask and seconded by Ted Poirier to adjourn at
*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.
_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)
_________________________Ed Leblanc
_________________________Jim Trask