
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

July 24, 2006

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Angela Cushman, Jim Roberts, Jim Trask


OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Souiliere

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00





1.      Still no update on Schiavi lawsuit.  Ted Poirier will follow up with David Ordway on getting an update.

2.      Selectmen went into executive session 7:10 to discuss a personnel issue.  Executive session ended 7:30.

3.      Reminder that a Public Hearing will be held on Monday, July 31 at 6:30 pm at the Dayton School All-Purpose Building regarding allocating capital improvement monies to the New Town Ballfields.    Selectmen discussed having the ballfields funded partly by the town and partly by fundraising.  Angela Cushman to place ad in paper and Jim Roberts to post on board.

4.      Selectmen discussed the Special Town Meeting that will be held Monday, August 7th at 7 pm at the Town Office regarding the overages for the 2005-2006 budget years.  Angela Cushman to place ad in paper and Jim Roberts to post.



1.      Selectmen discussed road maintenance with Mike Souiliere and asked about checking Hollis Rd for sweeping the stones.

2.      Selectmen opened the bids for the Mast Road in the following order:

Ø      Emery  Brothers - $26,800

Ø      Dearborn - $10,600

Ø      Poirier - $13,505

Ø      JMG Enterprises (without tree cutting) - $22,136

Ø      Littlefield – proposal #1 - $16,635.53

Ø      Littlefield – proposal #2 - $23,541 (with loam & seeding)

3.      Selectmen opened the bids for the New Town Ballfields in the following order:

Ø      Poirier - $30,500

Ø      Dearborn - $90,425 plus $18/yd for additional loam

Ø      JMG - $77,065.50 plus $8.75/yd for fill and $18/yd for additional loam delivered and spread

Ø      Emery - $28,000 plus screen loam for an additional $2,000

4.  Selectmen will have decisions made by August 7th after 7:30 pm.  All parties will be notified of decision by mail.


1.      A/P Warrant dated 7-26-06

2.      Payroll warrant dated 7-26-06.

3.      Pole Application from Verizon for the Buzzell Rd and Steel Rd.



1.      None


  Motion by Ed LeBlanc and seconded by Ted Poirier to adjourn at 20:30

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
