
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

April 24, 2006

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Ed Leblanc, Angela Cushman


OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Millie Tuttle

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00





1.      Waste Disposal Day, Sat May 6th.  Ad will be in the paper.  Driver license will be used to determine Dayton resident.

2.      Town Attorney may be leaving the Town.  Ed LeBlanc to contact Attorney.

3.      Jim Trask dropped off volunteer background check policy and form and Town Office sexual harassment policy to Paquin & Carroll Insurance last week.



1.      Millie Tuttle was in to give an update on the Eleven Town Group on emergency dispatch consolidation.  Dispatch to be moved out of the County to Gray. The cost has not been determined yet.  Could range $5-$10 per capita.  Will there be other costs?  Costs will be determined next meeting.  Millie Tuttle to provide updates.

2.      Warrant Articles were presented by Angela Cushman.  Jim Trask motioned to accept articles and send to print, 2nd by Ed LeBlanc.  Passed 3/0.

3.      Dedication plaque to be purchased and to be displayed at the Town Office.  A smaller plaque to be purchased and given to individuals.  Ed LeBlanc to take care of purchase.

4.      Ordinances were discussed.  Reminder that the Public Meeting will be held on May 22nd at 6:30 at the Town Office.

5.      Jim Trask will contact Alpha Omega Pest Control in Saco to get an estimate for the Town Office.




1.      Selectmen’s Minutes of the April 17, 2006 meeting.




1.      None


  Motion by Ted Poirier and seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 20:00

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
