
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

January 30, 2006

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Ed LeBlanc, Chris L’Heureux,


OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Mike Souliere, Ron Pike, Paul Bureau, Cassey and Kristen Stroutenburg,  Skip Cushman, Lisa Morse,

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00




1.      Nancy Harriman called in and stated that on March 6, 2006 at the Planning Board Meeting a representative from SMRPC in to discuss the updates on the Comprehensive Plan.

2.      Discussion was held re paying Millie Tuttle for being our representation to the 11 Towns Group, after some discussion a Motion was made by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Jim Trask to pay Millie Tuttle $10.00 per hour and 37 cents per mile. Passed 2/0 with Ted Poirier Abstained.

3.      A Discussion was held re the Cassey and Kristen Stroutenburg property on Danley Road, with Realtor Paul Bureau re: not meeting the side set back on their house they are try to sell and requesting a letter of Non Action, Jim Trask spoke with MMA and they stated they would rather see us do a Code 80k Consent Agreement with a fine assessed due to the fact that letters of non action can be revisited any time and changed. Ed LeBlanc spoke to the Town Attorney Maxine Pouravelis who stated she would recommend us giving a letter of Non Action as long as she writes it stating reason’s why it was giving, After lengthy discussion A motion was made by Jim Trask to issue a Code 80k Consent Agreement with a fine of $2,500 (fine was based on it was not the current owners fault for the set back issue it was Ron Pike the original owner who made the mistake. The mistake was picked up with the current pending sale and at no other time.) Passed 3/0 Ed will contact Maxine and have her get working on this.

4.      Jim Trask stated that he had notified Sue Tangney and Barbara Peterson re the Budget meeting on February 13, 2006 at 6pm in the Selectmen’s Office, Ed LeBlanc stated that he did notify Dan Gay he still needs to notify Bill Harris and Woody Brown, He will do it this week.

5.      Work on the Job Descriptions for the Town Employees was tabled till next week.



1.   Discussion was held with Mike Souliere re: our plowing contractor, there have been complaints re the               school hasn’t been plowed till the last thing even when school is open, Mike has also gotten several   complaints re different roads that haven’t been plowed or sanded right, there is also a complaint that the   sand and salt shed doesn’t have a lot of material in it. Ed LeBlanc asked Mike to have Paul Poirier come to   next weeks meeting to discuss these issues with him.

2.   Discussion was held on changing the ordinances, Discussion was held re having the foundation surveyed before people start building. Selectmen like this idea and asked Jim Roberts to research this and get back to them on recommendations.

3.  Skip Cushman was in to brief the Board on the Modular update, Skip stated that the School Board fired the Contractor doing the work today, due to problems with the contractor. They have interest by local contractors to finish it and they are perusing that at this time. Skip stated that the propane heaters are being installed; they are waiting for some more interior work to be completed to complete the heating work.4.



1.      Selectmen’s Minutes of the January 30, 2006 meeting.




1.      None



  Motion by Ed LeBlanc and seconded by Jim Trask to adjourn at 21:15

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
