
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

January 16, 2006

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Ed LeBlanc, Chris L’Heureux,


OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Mike Souliere,

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00




1.      Jim Trask stated that he still has not received the GA applications yet, but was told by the state that he would have them this week, they are being mailed to his house and he will put them in the file when they come in.

2.      Ed LeBlanc stated that the Schavi issue is in the finding stages and information is being gathered by the new attorney he has started on the case.

3.      Ed LeBlanc stated that the hold up on the portable is materials related, the hold up is the commercial wrap. When the materials come in the job will be completed.

4.      The personal property draft letter was reviewed, (copy attached). Motion by Jim Trask 2nd by Ed LeBlanc to use this letter to send out to all businesses. Passed 3/0 The Assessor will carry through with this as soon as possible so we can get this started this tax year.

5.      There still has been no update from SMRPC re the comp plan, Nancy Harriman chairman of the Planning Board will contact them and get back to us.

6.      Ed has not contacted Blow Bros yet re a holiday schedule, he will do that this week. He will also check with them re Hazardous waste pick up.

7.      Jim Trask brought up getting started on repairs for the Town Hall. Jim Roberts gave the Board an estimate of $15,000, to revamp the upstairs offices. Motion by Jim Trask 2nd by Ed LeBlanc to get this work started, with monies to come from the Town’s Capitol Improvement Fund. Passed 3/0 Jim Roberts will be doing most of the work, and it will not interfere with Town hours.



1.      Jim Roberts got the job descriptions from MMA, copies have been given to the selectmen to review over the next week.

2.      Holiday schedule was discussed, it was decided to observe New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Patriots Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve starting at Noon, Christmas Day and New Years Eve starting at 4pm. All Town Boards have the option to have a meeting on the Tuesday following the Holiday by a vote of the Board with proper postings, but all hourly paid employee’s will have the day off with pay if the holiday falls on a scheduled work day, Pay will be for normal hours scheduled to work on that day. Chris will draft this up for an office handbook.

3.      Chris L’Heureux notified the Board that his term has expired on the Budget Committee and he doesn’t have the time to reup, The Board discussed this and will try to find a nominee for next week.

4.      Ted Poirier will notify all committees and personnel that they need to start working on their budgets for the 06/07 budget process.

5.      Jim Roberts is going to use petty some petty cash money to get stick on letters for the recycling bin to can from 2 cardboard bins to 3 and loose 1 plastics bin, the card board ones are filling up the fastest. Motioned by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Ted Poirier Passed 3/0




1.      Selectmen’s Minutes of the January 9, 2006 meeting.




1.      None


  Motion by Jim Trask and seconded by Ted Poirier to adjourn at 20:50

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
