
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

September 11, 2006

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Angela Cushman, Jim Roberts, Jim Trask


OTHERS PRESENT: Charity Kewish, Mike Polakewich, Keith Harris, Mike Souiliere, Tom Gonneville

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00






1.      Keith Harris provided an update on the ballfields.  The initial work has been completed by Emery Brothers.  The Building Committee asked whether the Selectmen would consider the idea of swapping the gravel currently on the ballfield for loam.  The Selectmen discussed and asked Keith to discuss at the next Ballfield Committee meeting being held this Wed, Sept. 13th. 

2.      General Assistance case was addressed.



1.      Charity Kewish, State Senate Candidate, was in to hear about the local issues.

2.      The Selectmen discussed having the office staff become Notary Publics.  Ed LeBlanc made a motion to pay the application fee for both the Town Clerk and Tax Collector and for other staff half of the fee would be paid for by the Town; 2nd by Ted Poirer.  Passed 3/0.

3.      The Selectmen discussed the request by Lisa Cole on the River Rd to put up signs for “Slow Down – Children”.  The Town has “School Bus Stop” signs.  Angela Cushman to follow up with Lisa Cole to see if this signs would be appropriate.

4.      Mike Souiliere communicated that the final overly on the Height Rd. will be completed on 9/15 or 9/18.  Striping of the Hight Rd. and Hollis Rd will happen after this work.

5.      Ed LeBlanc gave an update on the Transfer Station and BBI’s insurance.  The Insurance Company and the BBI will be in to talk with the Selectmen. 

6.      Selectmen discussed the SDI Gravel Pit – Dayton.

7.      Tom Gonneville, State Police, was in to a discuss petition and 60 signatures for getting the speed limit reduced on Route 5.  The recommendation would to have parts of Route 5 reduced to 35 mph.  Tom to write up the recommendation and the Selectmen will make the request to DOT.   

8.      The Selectmen discussed the openings on the Planning Board.  Mike Polakewich offered to commit to a one year term.  Ted Poirier discussed the possibility of Mike’s appointment with the Town’s attorney.  Selectmen will discuss and get back to Mike. 

9.      Computer disposal was raised as a concern at the transfer station.  Ed LeBlanc to talk with BBI.

10.  A Hazardous Waste Day is being held in Biddeford on September 23rd.  Jim Roberts will update the website.

11.  Ted Poirier communicated that we have received our files from Maxine Pouravelis and that Angela Cushman has contacted Anne Pomery, the individual handling Maxine’s files, regarding any outstanding bills.

12.  Angela Cushman, representing the Recreation Committee, asked about insurance and paying instructors for possible classes through the Recreation Committee.  Angela Cushman to follow up with the Town’s insurance company.

13.  As part of the Sexual Harrasment Policy the town needs to form a board to handle complaints.  Jim Trask to check the policy on how many members are needed for the board.

14.  Jim Trask to give an update on PSAP next week. 



1.      Appointment Board of Health Rose Marie Hill – expire 8/30/2009





  Motion by Ed LeBlanc and seconded by Ted Poirier to adjourn at 20:35.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
