PRESENT: Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Ed Leblanc, Chris L’Heureux,
OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Angela Cushman, Millie Tuttle, Mike Souliere
Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at
1. Millie Tuttle was in to discuss what has been going on at the Eleven Towns Group. She stated that there have been some changes with the dispatch centers and word has come from the York County Commissioners that they may not be interested in doing dispatch services any more; Millie will stay up on this and get back to us. She stated that there has also been some discussion re sub division review, they were wondering if towns were in favor hiring a planner to work for the Towns or form a Board of the Towns to have a group to review this. Ed LeBlanc stated that he would rather keep this in house and if we had a very large project we could seek private help, the other selectmen agreed. She also asked the Eleven Towns Group about Hazardous Waste Pick Up, and she stated that she only heard from 2 Towns that said they have done it in the past. And they weren’t willing to do it every year; Ed LeBlanc stated that he thought the new State Law required Towns to provide this service. Ted Poirier will check will Blow Bros and get a price from them.
2. Angela Cushman was in to discuss the Town Operating Budget; she briefed the Board on where expenditures and receivables are to date so they can start working on their budget.
1. Mike Souliere was in to present his Road Budget to the Board, He has drafted up a budget of $163,584.00 for projects, (copy Attached)
2. Discussion was held on Town Position Salaries, Ed discussed that the Selectmen pay be raised from $3,000 to $4,000 and an extra $500 for the Chairman, Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Jim Trask Passed 3/0 Discussion was held on the Treasurer salary now it is $10,000 a year, Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Jim Trask to hold this salary. Passed 3/0 Discussion was held on the Town Clerk it was Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Ted Poirier to pay the current rate of $14.00 and budget an amount of $16,000. Discussion was held re changing the Tax Collector’s Salary from a percentage of what is collected to a salary. Motion by Ed Leblanc to change this to a salary based on 28 hours at $14.00 and budget $21,000 for this position. Passed 3/0 Tax Assessor salary was discussed, Motion by Ed LeBlanc to budget $19,053 keeping her current rate at $17.79 and some possible money for a 2 or 3% raise if needed. Passed 3/0 Animal Control Officer Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Jim Trask to keep the rate at $14.00 and budget $1,500. Passed 3/0 Planning Board Stipend was discussed. Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Ted Poirier to increase there pay to $11 an hour and budget $6,000 Passed 3/0, ZBA was discussed Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Ted Poirier to budget $500 Passed 3/0, School Board Stipend’s were discussed, Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Ted Poirier to pay $700 per member and $900 to the Chair. Passed 3/0, Temporary Employee wages were discussed, this is for Election workers etc. Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Ted Poirier to budget $1,500. Passed 3/0, Code Enforcement Officer was discussed Motion by Jim Trask 2nd by Ed LeBlanc to increase the CEO Salary to $19.27 per hour that is with a 3% raise budget $21,000, Selectmen’s Assistant was discussed it was decided to keep the current rate of $14 hour and increase to 5 hours a week. Budget $3700. Motioned by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Ted Poirier passed 3/0
3. Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Jim Trask to offer all Part Time Employee’s full single medical coverage paid by the Town.
4. Selectmen worked on the rest of the Municipal Budget. They discussed all the line items. (copy of their proposed budget is attached) Ed will bring this budget to the Budget Committee Meeting on Wednesday.
1. Selectmen’s Minutes of the
1. None
Motion by Jim Trask and seconded by Ted Poirier to adjourn at
*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.
_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)
_________________________Ed Leblanc
_________________________Jim Trask