
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

November 20, 2006

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Jim Roberts, Ed LeBlanc


OTHERS PRESENT: John Boissonnault, Darrell Whitney, Sheila Dube, Mike Souliere, Melissa Morang, Gaylen Hall  

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00





  1. Sheila Dube asked whether the Steele Rd. sign has been ordered.  Mike Souliere stated that the sign has been ordered.  


  1. Jim Trask gave an update on PSAP.  We should be receiving a contract next week.  The contract will be brought to the meeting for review and sign off.  Jim stated that start up date would be in January 2007 and there would be no start up costs.
  2. Ted Poirier inquired whether we had received updated insurance information plowing.  Jim Roberts communicated that we have received updated insurance information.
  3. Ted Poirier inquired on the progress of the village property line work being performed by Amos Gay.  At this time there is no information on status.  Work was to be completed within 30 days.



  1. Selectmen discussed the process of taking minutes and recording of minutes.  Ed LeBlanc spoke with other Towns regarding their procedures for minute taking of meetings.  Ed LeBlanc made a motion to adopt the policy of taping the meetings and keeping these records for a length of time required by MMA.  The Selectmen’s Clerk would produce a summary of the meeting which would be signed by the Selectmen and made available online; 2nd by Jim Trask.  Passed 3/0.
  2. Sheila Dube communicated that they will be raising a question regarding the procedure of abandonment.  According to their attorneys there is a certain way to do that and their attorneys will be addressing this issue. 
  3. Mike Souliere was in to give an update.  He is looking a way to get rid of the blocks at the transfer station to make the distance down to 2 feet instead of 4 feet to reach the dumpster.  Mike is suggesting that a guard rail be installed on the inside of the block.  The cost of the guard rail would be $1894.  Mike to follow up with the insurance company to see if this suggestion meets the requirements.  The transfer station gates have all been fixed and new padlocks have been ordered. 
  4. Angela Cushman communicated that starting in January 2007 the Health insurance for the Town employees will receive an increase of 7.94%.  The Town currently covers 3 employees for single coverage and any additional coverage is paid by the employee.  Health insurance is offered to those employees working at least 20 hours per week.  Jim Roberts will look into other possible health insurance plans. 
  5. Michelle Boisjoly submitted a request to purchase a software program called Deed Plotter.  Purchase price is $200.  Discussion was held on where this item was included in the budget.  Ed LeBlanc to follow up with Michelle Boisjoly.  Based on this discussion this item could fall under the tax map or computer budget.
  6. Stephanie Martin, a high school student, submitted a request for a donation for the People to People Program that she will be participating in next summer.  She needs to raise $6,000 to participate in this program.  The Selectmen would like to offer to Stephanie to place a donation can at the front desk.  Angela Cushman to contact Stephanie.


  1. 11/6/06 Minutes.




 Motion by Ted Poirier and seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 19:30.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
