PRESENT: Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Angela Cushman, Jim Roberts, Jim Trask,
OTHERS PRESENT: Millie Tuttle, Darrell Whitney, Scott Dube, Mike Souiliere, Amos Gay
Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at
Ed LeBlanc made a motion to abandon Clarence Smith Rd./Steele Rd. as of 1979, 2nd by Jim Trask; Passed 3/0. Abutters will be notified of the abandonment of the
2. Town’s Insurance Company is requiring gates and signs at the Transfer Station. Mike Souliere is willing to perform work to complete requirements of insurance company.
1. Scott Dube asked about removing a tree on
2. Millie Tuttle gave an update on Eleven Town Group meetings. The last couple meetings the group was given information for and against TABOR. Also, SMRP was in to talk with the group and communicated they were overwhelmed with subdivision issues. SMRP looking to have regional planning boards. Many Towns communicated not interested in regional planning boards.
3. Jim Trask made a motion to fix the large photocopier up to $1200; 2nd by Ted Poirier; Passed 2/1.
4. Selectmen discussed pricing on minutes and returned checks. Motion by Ed LeBlanc to have copies of minutes and audio tapes at $10 per copy plus cost of associated work and returned checks to have a $25.00 processing fee per check; 2nd by Jim Trask; passed 3/0.
5. Amos Gay communicated that he needs to update his July report. Amos did not realize that the Zoning Ordinance Map has a scale.
6. A board needs to be established by the Selectmen to amend the Growth Ordinance. Jim Roberts (CEO), Mike Souliere (Resident), Jim Trask (Selectmen) and possibly Dick Hall (Planning Board). Jim Roberts to ask Dick Hall.
7. Jim Trask gave an update on PSAP. Jim spoke with Don Pomerleau and discussed going with Department of Public Safety. Don will be sending a contract for PSAP and dispatch to the Selectmen to review that includes pricing. Lyman will also being going with Department of Public Safety.
8. Selectmen discussed getting updated insurance from Paul Poirier for snowplowing. Angela Cushman to notify Paul Poirier.
9. Mike Gerrity, SU7 Maintenance Director, asked about the drain by the small portable. Gravel keeps building up by the drain. Mike Souliere and Ted Poirier to look at the area.
Motion by Jim Trask and seconded by Ted Poirier to adjourn at
*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.
_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)
_________________________Ed Leblanc
_________________________Jim Trask