August 16, 2004
PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Keith Harris, Jim Trask, Chris L’Heureux,
OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, M, Souliere, T. Poirier, (Planning Board of 8-19-04)
Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:00
1. Mike Souliere stated that they had they meeting on Thursday re the Hollis Road he states that there are 5 to 6 culverts that need to be replaced, Motion by Ed Leblanc 2nd by Keith Harris to have Mike Souliere replace them, Passed 3/0 Mike also stated that Dayton Sand and Gravel will be getting us a price on grinding and repaving.
2. Bid Packet for the sale of the Town Garage is done was presented to the Selectmen, Motion by Jim Trask 2nd by Ed Leblanc to accept the bid packet as presented Passed 3/0 Seal bids are due September 16, 2004 and the bids will be opened Monday September 20, 2004 at 7pm. (copy attched)
1. Planning Board See Planning Board Minutes dated 8-19-04, Issues discussed with the Selectmen were, FPL request to add more parking spaces at Skelton Dam for "Angler Parking", Dearborn Pit questions re overhauling and the Comprehensive plan. Motion by Jim Trask 2nd by Keith Harris to have a Town vote on the Comprehensive Plan done by the Town’s people by a referendum vote on November 9, 2004 during the Presidential Election. Passed 3/0
1. Selectmen’s Minutes from 8/9/04
2. Contract between the Town and Goodwins Mills Fire Department Inc. to provide fire and rescue protection for the residence of Dayton. For the fiscal year 2004/2005.
1. None
Motion by Keith Harris and seconded by Ed Leblanc to adjourn at 20:45
Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.
_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)
_________________________Keith Harris
_________________________Jim Trask