
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

Dec. 17, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Jim Trask, Jim Roberts, Angela Cushman


OTHERS PRESENT:  Lisa Whitney, Sheila Dube

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00








  1. November 2007 Clerks Report
  2. E-mail from resident TJ Roma.  Ed LeBlanc to address complaint about snow plowing on Winding Brook Lane with Paul Poirier.
  3. Leighton Excavating called about an outstanding bill for the Little League.  Les Leighton had donated some materials for the little league field and also provided additional material at a discounted price.  Les has tried several times to contact the Little League President with no success.


  1. Sheila Dube asked clearing either side of the Steele Rd. to aid in visibility.  Ed LeBlanc to contact Paul Poirier about Steele Rd. and Hollis Rd./Route 5 intersections.  Ed will also ask Paul Poirier to wing back all intersections.



  1. Dan Cabral, York County Commissioner, provided an outline of Dayton’s County Tax Assessment.  Angela Cushman to schedule Dan Cabral to attend a Selectmen’s meeting.
  2. Town property on Hollis Rd.  Ted Poirier communicated that David Ordway, Town Attorney, will be working on this issue soon.
  3. The next school re-organization meeting is Wednesday, December 19th.
  4. The Selectmen discussed briefly the proposed contract zoning ordinance.  A decision will be by the end of January 2008.
  5. Waste management contract has been reviewed by the Selectmen.  The final draft will be submitted to the lawyer for review.
  6. Snow plow contract has been reviewed by the Selectmen.  The final draft will be submitted to the lawyer for review.
  7. The Selectmen will start reviewing the Employee Handbook on January 7th at 6 pm.
  8. Saco River Corridor Commission is looking for new members.  If anyone is interested, please contact the Selectmen.
  9. Angela Cushman provided an update on the automatic foreclosure notices that were mailed on the 2005 tax liens.  There are 3 outstanding liens remaining for 2005 taxes.
  10. The Selectmen discussed the Descoteaux abatement request.  Selectmen agreed to the abatement.  Angela Cushman to look into whether interest needs to be considered for this request.  A letter will be prepared for the Selectmen to sign December 24th.



  1. Susan Bellerose, Tax Collector, gave an update on tax collections.  Susan recently attended a truck training class.  As of Nov 30th there is approximately $180,000 outstanding for real estate and personal property.  In November there were 114 registrations, 31 rapid renewal registrations totaling $22,000.  There were12 new vehicles, 29 used vehicles (10 of these vehicles from the 80’s & 90’s).


Selectmen Meeting Minutes dated 11/05/07, 11/13/07, 11/19/07, 11/26/07, 12/04/07, 12/10/07




 Motion by Ed LeBlanc seconded by Jim Trask to adjourn at 19:30.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
