
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

February 26, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Angela Cushman, Jim Trask, Ed LeBlanc


OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Souliere, Darrell Whitney, Sheila Dube, Millie Tuttle, John Gay, John Boissonnault, Ben Harris, Tom McKenney

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00


Selectmen went into executive session at 20:19 and ended at 20:30.




1.      Tom McKenney, Planning Board, expire 2010

2.      Ben Harris, Zoning Board of Appeals, expire 2010


  1. John Boissonnault asked about the status of the ball fields.  Keith Harris heads a committee that is in charge of the ball field work.  The Town did contribute money to start this project.
  2. John Gay asked about the status of the Steele Rd. and the length.  The Selectmen currently considers Steele Rd a public way. 
  3. No new updates regarding the Buda Rd request received from Omar Gagnon regarding moving the Buda Rd entrance from Hollis Rd.
  4. Ted Poirier provided an update on the possibility of developing a Town Charter.  The charter process takes about 3 years.  State law requires that a committee must be formed to develop a charter; 6 elected members and 3 members appointed by the Selectmen. 






  1. Millie Tuttle was in to give an update on the Eleven Town meetings.  MMA was in to speak with the Eleven Town Group.  MMA will be holding an Annual Convention plus coordinated Regional Meetings over the next several months.  Millie also communicated that there is $800,000 deficit in the County Budget which could impact Dayton’s portion of the County Budget.
  2. Ben Harris was in to discuss NIMS certification with the Selectmen.  Ben Harris will hold a NIMS training Thursday, April 12th at the Goodwins Mills Fire Department 6:30 pm for the Selectmen, Road Commissioner, CEO and EMA Director.  Anyone from the public is welcomed.  Please contact Ben Harris.
  3. Ed LeBlanc informed the Selectmen about a training MMA is conducting for a salt substitute this Wed., 8:30 am, Portland.
  4. Ed LeBlanc made a motion to hold the Annual Town Meeting Friday, June 8th at 6:30 pm and to hold Town Elections June 7th from 8 am – 7 pm.  At polling time a survey will be conducted to see if another night for Town Meeting would work for more people. Janice Saunders to check about using the small portable for Town Elections.


1.      Executive Order for NIMS program.

2.      Selectmen’s Minutes 2/12/07.




 Motion by Jim Trask and seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 20:15.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
