
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

November 26, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Jim Trask, Jim Roberts, Angela Cushman


OTHERS PRESENT:  Sheila Dube, Lisa Whitney, Amos Gay, Millie Tuttle, Remi Caron, Scott Brown, Polly Plourde

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00








            Selectmen reviewed the 11/26/07 CEO report.





  1. A draft Employee Handbook was issued to Selectmen from Angela Cushman and Jim Roberts.
  2. The New Town Office Committee members will be Polly Plourde, Remi Caron, Scott Brown, Angela Cushman, Jim Roberts and Ted Poirer.  Angela Cushman to schedule a meeting for the building committee.
  3. The Selectmen are looking to meet with several individuals to obtain more information on items that might impact the Town in the future.  Dan Cabral will need to be re-scheduled to a later date. 
  4. The Town owns property on Hollis Rd. There is currently an easement to access the property.  The Selectmen discussed the possibility of selling or trading this property.  David Ordway, town attorney is still working on determining feasibility of selling/trading. No update at this time.
  5. Update on zoning mapping.  Michelle Boisjoly, Tax Assessor, provided an update on digital tax mapping.  An agreement as been signed with Kappa Mapping, Inc. for the pricing of $5,475 and a deliverable date of January 2008.  An initial estimate was $6,355.  Michelle negotiated the new pricing. Amos Gay will be completing work pertaining to digitizing the zoning mapping.  Amos will be in Wednesday to discuss work with Michelle Boisjoly and Jim Roberts. Agreement was signed by Ted Poirier.
  6. School re-organization meetings will occur this Wed, Nov. 28th & Thurs, Nov 29th.
  7. Contract zoning ordinance discussions will be held at a later date.
  8. Transfer station fencing has been fixed by Mike Souliere.  Mike will also be working on resident access to salt sand.
  9. Snowplowing contract will be reviewed by the Selectmen.
  10. The Waste management contract expires in March 2008.  Angela Cushman to contact Kenny Blow to attend the December 10th Selectmen’s Meeting.
  11. Clerks report was reviewed by Selectmen.
  12. Franklin School Historical Society is looking to having ditching completed around the school.  Mike Souliere will try to have work completed before winter. 



  1. Eleven Town update provided by Millie Tuttle.  There is a meeting on Thursday in Alfred to present the York County Commissioners Audit Report.  The Selectmen are invited to attend this presentation.  MMA is looking to expand their building facilities through a bond.  There could be a possible increase in insurance costs.  Mark Green and councilmen of Sanford have asked to join the Eleven Town group.  The group decided to accept Sanford into the group.  Snowplow contracts bidding were also discussed with the group.
  2. The Selectmen need to meet with Tim Murphy, attorney, to receive an update regarding a current lawsuit.  Ted Poirier will schedule a meeting next week for all the Selectmen.    
  3. The General Assistance account will be going over budget in the near future.  
  4. Mike Souliere discussed with the Selectmen about possibly applying for grants to cover the culvert replacement on Union Falls Rd.   Mike and Ted to review information from State and make a decision to apply for grant.


1)      11/28/07 Accounts Payable Warrant

2)      11/28/07 Payroll Warrant



 Motion by Jim Trask seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 20:00.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
