
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

November 19, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Jim Trask, Jim Roberts

ABSENT:  Angela Cushman

OTHERS PRESENT:  Sheila & Scott Dube, Lisa Whitney, Amos Gay, John Gay, Fred Gay

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00


The Selectmen went in to executive session at 19:45 to discuss a general assistance case as pursuant to 22, M.R.S.A. Section 4306.










  1. Employee Handbook – draft being worked on by Angela Cushman and Jim Roberts.
  2. New Town Office Committee members – Selectmen looking for two residents to serve on the committee.    Angela Cushman is scheduling Nov. 26th for interested residents to come in to speak to Selectmen.
  3. The Selectmen are looking to meet with several individuals to obtain more information on items that might impact the Town in the future.  Dan Cabral will need to be re-scheduled to a later date. 
  4. The Town owns property on Hollis Rd. There is currently an easement to access the property.  The Selectmen discussed the possibility of selling or trading this property.  David Ordway, town attorney is still working on determining feasibility of selling/trading.
  5. Sheila Dube questioned a possible conflict of interest in hiring Amos Gay for contracting services.  Amos Gay’s son is a business partner to Ed LeBlanc.  Sheila suggested calling Bill Austin of New Glouchester to obtain another estimate for work needed to be completed for mapping.  Jim Roberts has contacted several individuals for a possible estimate.  Ted Poirier to contact Bill Austin for a possible estimate.  Selectmen will make a decision no later than Dec 3rd . 
  6. Jim Trask and Sheila Dube provided an update on the school re-organization.  The RSU needs to file their plan by Dec. 1st.  Six wards have been determined for the RSU. There will be one school board for the RSU.  Jim and Sheila will be attending two meetings after Thanksgiving.  Ed LeBlanc asked what happens if the Town does not approve the RSU budget?  How will voting for the wards occur when the ward covers two towns? Jim Trask to obtain more information.  Jim Trask discussed the cost of plowing and mowing for the school. Once the RSU is in place the snow plowing and mowing will be paid by the RSU.  When the RSU becomes effective the school building and a determined amount of land is given to the RSU.  If the RSU decides to close the school, the school is given back to the town. 
  7. The cause of the damage to the fencing at the Transfer Station has been determined.  Repairs will occur in the near future.  Mike Souliere to complete work
  8. Dayton Sand & Gravel paved the area near the salt shed at the transfer station.  Mike Souliere used recycled hot top to level off the area near the salt shed. 
  9. The General Assistance account is running out of money. The current year’s budget for general assistance is $4,000.  The Selectmen communicated that individuals looking for assistance need to fill out a general assistance form.  The State issues guidelines on what assistance can be offered.  In some situations the Town can submit for a 50% reimbursement of qualified expenses.  Most of the assistance the Town provides does not qualify for reimbursement from the State.  The Selectmen discussed the possibility of holding a special town meeting to allocate money from surplus to cover future general assistance.
  10. Angela Cushman, Treasurer, provided monthly reporting to the Selectmen.
  11. Contract zoning ordinance – Selectmen will discuss at next meeting.



  1. The snowplow contract expires soon.  The snowplow contract will be put out for bid.  The Selectmen will be reviewing the current contract and making changes for the bid process.
  2. The waste management contract expires in the next year.   Jim Roberts will contact Blow Brothers Incorporated to schedule a meeting with Selectmen.
  3. The Town Office will be closed Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.  There will be no Selectmen meeting on December 24th or December 31st. 
  4. The Advent Church is having a meet & greet for the new pastor on Sunday, November 25th at 3pm.  Jim Trask will represent the Selectmen.





 Motion by Ed LeBlanc seconded by Jim Trask to adjourn at 20:30.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
