
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

March 19, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Angela Cushman, Jim Trask, Ed LeBlanc, Jim Roberts


OTHERS PRESENT: Darrell Whitney, Sheila Dube, John Boissonnault, John Gay


Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:05


Selectmen went into executive session from 7:30 to 7:40.




  1. Barbara Peterson, Budget Committee Member, expire 2010


  1. John Gay asked about couple things regarding the 2006 Annual Town Report 1) could not find the Treasurer’s report and 2) why is there a discrepancy between the excise reported on the Tax Collector report and the Auditor’s report.  Angela Cushman to review.
  2. John Boissonnault asked if anything was resolved on the Dearborn deposits.  Angela Cushman to continue to research.  


  1. Selectmen have spoken with Paul Poirier regarding updating insurance and paperwork regarding the snowplowing contract.


  1. A Public Hearing will be held on Wed, April 25th , 7 pm in the small portable building regarding zoning ordinances, future land use map and the growth ordinance.  
  2. The Management Letter Comments from the Draft Audit Report were reviewed by the Selectmen. 
  3. The Selectmen discussed the status of the Fire Department budget.  The Selectmen and Budget Committee will be meeting with the Fire Department on Wed., April 21st , 7pm at the Town Hall Selectmen’s Office.
  4. Dearborn – Angela to check with Dearborn on 1st payment.
  5. In January 2007, the Selectmen sent out 12 letters to individuals with past due real estate accounts.  As of March 19th, 4 individuals have responded to the letter.  Angela Cushman and Susan Bellerose will be attending a Tax Lien Workshop this Wednesday.  Selectmen will discuss next steps at the next meeting. 


1.      03/21/07 Accounts Payable Warrant

2.      03/21/07 Payroll Warrant




 Motion by Jim Trask and seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 20:00.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
