
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

September 10, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Ed LeBlanc, Jim Roberts, Mike Souliere, Angela Cushman


OTHERS PRESENT:  Sheila Dube, John Guay, Lisa Whitney

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:04










  1. Angela Cushman and Jim Roberts gave an update on the upgrading of the polling location at Dayton School.  There is funding available through the State.  Signage, paving and installing an automatic door are being looked at for upgrades.  Mike Souliere will pave near the door to take care of the 1.5” lip at the doorway entrance.
  2. Angela Cushman and Jim Roberts are working on a 1st draft of an Employee Handbook.
  3. Selectmen discussed the possibility of building a new town office.  A bidding proposal will need to be developed.  A Building Committee consisting of one Selectman, the CEO, several residents, and the treasurer/selectmen’s clerk will need to be established to address this possibility.  Ted Poirier, Ed Leblanc (alternate), Jim Roberts and Angela Cushman will be on the committee.  Two residents will be needed to fill the committee.  Committee members will be finalized by the next Selectmen’s meeting Sept. 24th.
  4. Over the last couple of months the Town has been dealing with several outstanding dog issues.  The Selectmen are looking to meet with Maurice Ouelette, York County Sheriff, to help with enforcement.  Jim Roberts to contact Maurice.
  5. The Selectmen are looking to meet with several individuals to obtain more information on items that might impact the Town in the future.  Angela Cushman to contact Barry Hobbins, Dan Cabral, & Gary Conners.
  6. The Town owns property on Hollis Rd. There is currently an easement to access the property.  The Selectmen discussed the possibility of selling or trading this property.  Jim Roberts to contact David Ordway, town attorney, to determine feasibility of selling/trading.
  7. Update on Comprehensive Plan – no update at this time.
  8. Update on Mapping – no update at this time.
  9. Jim Roberts communicated that Rt. 35 will be re-paved in the next 3 weeks.
  10.  Jim Trask provided an update on the school re-organization. Jim was looking to get a topographical map to see what area would be turned over to the future region.  The school and the town hall sit on one piece of property.  Ted Poirier asked what will happen to the Dayton School in the region.  The State has stated no school closings will occur for the 1st two years.  Other topics at the re-organization meetings are teacher contracts and the region board.  Sheila Dube is representing the Town as a resident.
  11. Mike Souliere, Road Commissioner, stated that all outstanding signs have been installed.          



  1. Selectmen discussed e-mail received from resident regarding Gould Rd./Rt. 35 intersection.  The island that was removed with be replaced a painted island.  Mike Souliere, Road Commissioner, communicated that he installed a “no thru trucks” on both ends of the Gould Rd. Once the State has completed the intersection, the Selectmen will review this e-mail again.  The resident will be contacted.
  2. Town Line Markers – Mike Souliere stated he is working with Amos Gay to determine the Town line and then will install signs.
  3. Speed Limit signs on Hollis Rd. – A resident asked about lowering the speed limits or at least posting the speed limits signs.  Once the Town line markers have been posted, Mike Souliere will be focusing on speed limit signs within the Town.
  4. The tax commitment was completed today for 2007-2008 taxes.
  5. An individual is looking to build in an established subdivision that is now considered a commercial zone.  Jim Roberts is working with David Ordway, Town Attorney, to hopefully resolve for this individual.
  6. Ed LeBlanc made a motion to increase all employee salaries by 3% effective 07/01/07; 2nd Jim Trask.  Passed 3/0.
  7. Building maintenance – Selectmen gave Jim Roberts and Angela Cushman authority to maintain the building within the budgeted amount.  A couple of things that need to be taken care of right now are the tiles above the furnace and the handrail on the ramp.
  8. Angela Cushman provided an update on tax liens.  There are currently (9) 2005 tax liens outstanding.  After 18 months of filing the lien, automatic foreclosure occurs once the Town has provided a 30 day notice to the owner.  If the Town does not want to foreclose, a vote needs to be obtained from residents.  Angela will continue to gather information and provide an update to the Selectmen.
  9. Angela Cushman provided August reporting to the Selectmen. 
  10. Mike Souliere will contact abutting Towns in hopes to coordinate paving projects in the future.



  1. 08/22/07 Accounts Payable & Payroll
  2. 09/05/07 Accounts Payable & Payroll



 Motion by Jim Trask seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 20:25.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
