
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

January 8, 2006

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Angela Cushman, Jim Trask, Jim Roberts


OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Souliere, Darlene John Boissonnault, Paul Reynolds, Liz Gotthelf (Journal Tribune), Darrell & Lisa Whitney, Wilma Harris, Scott & Sheila Dube, Bud Waycott, Gaylen Hall

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00



1.      Paul Reynolds was appointed to the Budget Committee for a 3 year term.


  1. Lisa Whitney presented her petition and supporting documentation for increasing the Selectmen from 3 to 5 members.  A petition with 120 signatures was submitted to the Selectmen.  Selectmen will review the petition and documentation.   The petition will be reviewed by the Town Clerk and Town lawyer.  Ted Poirier will contact the Town lawyer.
  2. Wilma Harris inquired about several items: the status on the lawsuit with Schavi, the color of the road sign of Steele Rd blue and not green, and possibly getting the Selectmen’s meeting agenda posted prior to the meeting.  Regarding the lawsuit, mediation is expected to occur later this month.  The sign for Steele Rd has always been blue.  The Selectmen will post agenda items prior to the meeting.  Please note that agenda items may change prior to the actual meeting.       
  3. Lisa Whitney followed up with her request on a letter be sent to the individuals posting documents on the Steele Rd.  Ted Poirier and Ed LeBlanc spoke with the lawyer and the lawyer was to handle.  No further direction was received from the lawyer and no letter was sent. 



  1. Voice mail update for the Town Office.  Angela Cushman communicated that the current telephone service does not allow voice mail with notification on the two incoming lines.  Angela asked to purchase an answering machine.  Ed LeBlanc made a motion to purchase a new answering machine; Passed 3/0.
  2. The Tax Collector had recommended at the last meeting to increase the agent fee for motor vehicle registration.  Jim Trask made a motion to increase motor vehicle registration agent fees to $3 from $2 effective 2/1/06; 2nd by Ted Poirier; Passed 3/0.



  1. Selectmen went into executive session 19:01 – 19:20. 
  2. Susan Bellerose and Angela Cushman presented December and YTD reporting for expenses and revenues for the Town. Currently, legal fees to date are $11,364.  The budget amount was $16,000.
  3. Selectmen provided an update on the Steele Rd. utility contract.  Verizon has given a Public Notice for 14 day period. 
  4. The current photocopier needs to be replaced and will be added to next year’s budget for consideration.  Approximate cost is $4,000.
  5. The transfer station salt shed roofing has come off and needs to be fixed.  Mike Souilere to contact Paul Poirier to repair. 
  6. Angela Cushman gave an update on tax liens communication to taxpayers.  The letter prepared by Maxine P, former town lawyer, a couple of years ago was located and updated to reflect current procedures.  A current listing of outstanding liens was produced.  Angela will produce letters for those residents on the listing.  Anyone on that list that is currently on a payment schedule will not receive a letter. 
  7. CMP correspondence regarding tree trimming & pesticides was communicated to the Selectmen.
  8. For the new PSAP contract with York County Communications the Selectmen need to designate a Town Coordinator.  On January 9th PSAP realignment will occur and contact person is needed to place a 911 call on that day.  Jim Roberts will be the contact person.  Ed LeBlanc made a motion for Millie Tuttle to be the 911 Town Coordinator; 2nd by Jim Trask; Passed 3/0.
  9. Training for Town Employees was discussed by the Selectmen.  Angela Cushman and Ted Poirier will be attending a Budgeting Workshop Feb. 2nd. Jim Trask to schedule a General Assistance training class with Cindy Boyd for all the Selectmen.  Janice Saunders will be attending an Elections workshop on Jan 30th.  Jim Roberts to follow up with Ken Guay regarding Basic Animal Control training. There are two individuals in the office who are notaries and looking to join the Maine Notary Association.  Jim Trask made a motion to pay the Maine Notary Association membership for the two notaries, 2nd by Ed LeBlanc; passed 3/0.
  10. Ed LeBlanc communicated that 2 more Budget Committee members are needed for this budget year.  Current members are Dan Guay, Barbara Petersen, Woody Brown, Connie Hill and Paul Reynolds. 
  11. On Wed, Jan 10th the Selectmen will be holding a meeting with the School Board and Budget Committee to start off the budgeting process.  Jim Trask to notify the Budget Committee of this meeting.
  12. On Wed, Jan 17th the Ted Poirier and Angela Cushman will be meeting with Jim Waterbury, from MMA regarding the town’s worker’s compensation policy.
  13. General Assistance annual paperwork has been completed by Jim Trask.
  14. Mike Souliere will be completing some tree maintenance on Buzzell Rd. and Hill Rd. 
  15. Observed Holiday schedule was presented to the Selectmen.  Jim Trask made a motion to approve schedule as is, 2nd by Ed LeBlanc; passed 3/0.
  16. Sexual Harassment Training for volunteers was discussed by the Selectmen.  Jim Trask to check in to whether this is required for insurance purposes.  
  17. Annual town meeting was determined by the Selectmen.  The town meeting will be held on June 8th 2007 at 6:30 pm in the Dayton School Gym.  A schedule of events will be determined by town employees and communicated at a future meeting.



1.      01/10/07 Payroll Warrant

2.      01/10/07 Accounts Payable Warrant




 Motion by Jim Trask and seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 19:40.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
