
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

April 23, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Angela Cushman, Jim Roberts, Ed LeBlanc, Jim Trask,


OTHERS PRESENT: Darrell Whitney, John Gay,  Mike Souliere

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:05


Selectmen went into Executive Session 18:40 to discuss a personnel issue.


Public Hearing, Wed., April 25th ~ 7 pm ~School Gym ~ Zoning Ordinances

Public Hearing, Mon., April 23rd ~ 6:30 pm ~ Selectmen’s Office ~ Hired vs. Elected Positions




  1. Steve Morse was asking about getting water into the snack shack which means tying into the Town/School well.  Steve will connect with Jim Roberts and Mike Garrity, SU7 Maintenance Director, about completing this job.


  1. The bonds for the Treasurer and Tax Collector are up for renewal.  The Selectmen decided to cancel this insurance as the Town is currently reviewing the current Town insurance. Angela Cushman to notify Anderson Watkins.
  2. Angela Cushman has scheduled Paquin & Carroll for the May 14th Selectmen’s Meeting and MMA for the May 21st meeting to review insurance quotes.  


  1. Liz McGlinn, MacDonald Page, was in to discuss the June 30, 2006 audit report.  The Town received an unqualified rating which means a good opinion.  Liz communicated to the Selectmen the audit process and discussed the management letter comments.  Ted Poirier asked about whether the GMFD should have audited financial reports. Liz suggested to the Selectmen that as a stipulation of funding ask for a copy of audit reports and/or inventory of equipment with appraised values.
  2. The Selectmen discussed the damage by the latest storm.  Ed LeBlanc communicated to Mike Souliere that any bill associated with this storm should be marked as such.  Ed has submitted $500,000 report to FEMA.  Mike suggested putting in a bigger culvert to handle Red Brook.  The Bickford Rd also needs to be fixed.  Mike will take pictures of any damage.  Mike will continue to assess damage and fix areas related to the Patriots Day Storm.
  3. The Selectmen also communicated that York County EMA is also looking for any primary residences that have sustained damage from the Patriot’s Day Storm.  The Press Release from York County EMA will be posted on the Town website.  Residents can contact York County EMA directly or the Town Office.  The Town Office will submit to York County EMA via P.J. Tangney, Town’s EMA Director.  P.J. Tangney was in to touch base on EMA assistance.
  4. The Selectmen discussed the York County Tax.  The Town has not received a number yet from the County Commission and will not receive number until June.  Ted recommended taking last year’s number plus a 3% increase to budget for 2007-2008.  The Selectmen were in agreement with this recommendation.
  5. Angela Cushman communicated the Recreation Committee budget number to the Selectmen. The Recreation Committee requested $5,040.  This number includes a $600 CMP for the snack shack.  The Budget Committee approved the requested, but are recommending that the CMP bill not be paid by the Recreation Committee and be addressed by the Selectmen.  The Selectmen will support the Recreation Committee in discussing this with the Little League.
  6. Proposed referendum questions were presented to the Selectmen for review.  Ted Poirier will have the lawyer review.  Jim Trask made a motion to accept the proposed referendum questions if okayed by the lawyer; 2nd by Ed LeBlanc; Passed 3/0.
  7. Selectmen discussed increasing the annual report article regarding authorizing the Selectmen to appropriate unappropriated surplus as deemed advisable.  Jim Trask made a motion to increase the amount to $20,000, 2nd by Ted Poirer; Passed 2/1.
  8. Angela Cushman presented the final budget numbers to the Selectmen.  Jim Trask made a motion to accept the budget numbers; 2nd by Ed LeBlanc; Passed 3/0.
  9. Angela Cushman presented to the Selectmen an Expense Summary to date.  Currently, there are 4 accounts that are over budget; legal, dues (SMRPC), contractual (PSAP) and snowplowing.  Angela recommended adding an article to address these overages.


  1. 04/18/07 Accounts Payable Warrant
  2. 04/18/07 Payroll Warrant
  3. Training requests
  4. 04/09/07 Selectmen’s meeting minutes



 Motion by Ed LeBlanc seconded by Ted Poirier to adjourn at 18:40.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
