
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

June 25, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Jim Roberts, Angela Cushman, Ed LeBlanc  


OTHERS PRESENT:  John Gay, Sheila Dube, Lisa Whitney, Kathleen & Ken Booker

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00







  1. Sheila Dube mentioned that several cars have been parking at the end of Steele Rd. on Buzzell Rd.  There are individuals fishing in the brook.  Jim Trask will call the Sheriffs Department to check into this issue.
  2. John Gay asked again about getting gravel needed on the shoulder between Woody Brown’s and John Gay’s houses.  Now that work is complete on the Hight Road, Mike Souliere will repair this area. 
  3. Kathleen Booker asked whether the Town has a noise ordinance.  The Town does not currently have an ordinance.  There are barking dogs in the neighborhood.  The Town will verify if the two dogs are licensed and will have the Animal Control Officer make a visit. 


  1. Angela Cushman informed the Selectmen that an agreement has been made with Paul Poirier regarding a payment schedule for the upcoming snowplowing contract. An additional amount was added to his contract to cover the transfer station and Steele Rd. Transfer station will be $1,200 and the Steele Rd. will be $800.  The first payment will be in July.
  2. GMFD and State Fire Marshal have scheduled a visit with the Town on Thursday at 8:30.  All the Selectmen would like to be present at the visit.  Ted Poirier will contact the GMFD and State Fire Marshal’s office to re-schedule so that all Selectmen can be present.
  3. Selectmen discussed the two proposals for the general liability/crime coverage for both the Town and School.  Jim Trask made a motion to vote on the insurance carrier; 2nd by Ed LeBlanc.  Passed 3/0.  Jim Trask asked all in favor for having MMA carry the Town’s insurance say “I”; two I’s.  Jim Trask asked all in favor for having Paquin & Carroll carry the Town’s insurance say “I”; one I.  Passed 2/1 MMA.  Jim Roberts asked whether the crime coverage is per incident or for a period or time.  Jim Trask asked if the equipment breakdown coverage could be reduced.  Angela Cushman to follow up with MMA.  Jim Trask to contact both MMA and Paquin & Carroll to inform them of the decision.
  4. Another status was given on the FEMA paperwork.  Mike Souliere has completed the estimate for finishing up the shouldering and tree removal as a result of the Patriot Day storm.  Mike needs to put together pricing for the Bickford Rd. culvert.  Two estimates need to be completed for the Bickford Rd.; one estimate for if fixed and one estimate to upgrade. 


  1. Susan Bellerose, Tax Collector, was in to give a monthly update.  Susan informed the Selectmen that for the month of May there were 250 registrations, 51 rapid renewal registrations, 46 boat registrations.  Susan mailed forty 30 days notices for 2006 real estate taxes. Of the 45 accounts, there are currently 22 remaining accounts still outstanding.  Several residents have been in to set up a payment schedule. In October 2007, the Town will be taking further action on outstanding taxes for 2005.
  2. The Planning Board is still looking for an additional member.  Please contact the Town office if you are interested.
  3. Jim Roberts gave an update on the recycling bin at the Town Hall.  Jim has decided to keep the once a week pickup and will monitor to see if any adjustments need to be made.
  4. Leo Goodwin asked Ted Poirier about getting a walkway painted on Rt. 35 from the Parsonage to the Advent Christian.  Selectmen were okay with this occurring.  Angela Cushman to write a letter to DOT.
  5. Ed LeBlanc asked about the status of the trash on Company Rd. The State Police have been involved in determining who dumped the trash.  Jim spoke with the State Police and the person that the trash belongs to is currently in jail.  Ken Booker mentioned there is vinyl siding on Rt. 35. Mike Souliere will pick up the trash and vinyl siding. 


  1. 06/27/07 A/P Warrant
  2. 06/27/07 Payroll




 Motion by Ted Poirier seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 19:40.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
