
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

July 23, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Jim Roberts, Angela Cushman, Ed LeBlanc, Mike Souliere


OTHERS PRESENT:  Fred Gay, John Boissonnault, Lisa Whitney, Sheila Dube, Ralph Joyce

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:05


The Selectmen went in to executive session to discuss the outstanding lawsuit against the Town regarding Steele Rd.






  1. John Gay asked about the Hazardous Waste Day.  The Town will try to participate in this weekend’s Hazardous Waste Day in Saco.  The town website and an ad will be placed in the paper if we are able to participate.
  2. Lisa Whitney asked whether the Town offers a discount on real estate taxes for military personnel and how to go about getting a concealed weapons permit.  Lisa also asked whether the fire marshal inspection date has been set.  The Selectmen directed Lisa to the Assessor’s Office regarding an answer for the discount for military personnel.  To obtain a concealed weapons permit an individual must first take a safety class.  The fire marshal inspection has not been re-scheduled yet by the GMFD.


  1. The Dearborn Conditional Use Permit was re-visited by the Selectmen. Ted Poirier contacted the Town’s Attorney, David Ordway, regarding this issue.  The attorney will be advising the Town of next steps. 
  2. The Selectmen discussed the boat launch issue.  This weekend the parking was out of control, Southern Maine Towing towed 10 vehicles, an accident occurred with a motorcycle and a truck pulling a large boat.  Some options were discussed.  Ed LeBlanc will set up a meeting with FPL.  Tentative date August 6th.  Jim Roberts to post on the website.
  3. Ted Poirier gave an update on the dirt on the new recreation fields.  The DOT has committed to at least 1500 yds.   Any work being completed in surrounding communities where there is extra fill will also be brought to Dayton. 
  4. John Gay asked if tree cutting will occur soon along Rt 35.  Mike Souliere stated that tree cutting would probably not occur until the state re-builds Rt 35 scheduled sometime 2010.
  5. The Town Hall and the School lost water on Thursday.  A fuse was replaced and water was restored to both the Town Hall and the School.
  6. The Selectmen discussed attendance at the School Regional Planning Committee meeting on July 26th at 7 pm, Saco City Hall.  One of the Selectmen will attend the meeting.  


  1. The compliant of a dog issue on Bittersweet Lane was discussed by the Selectmen.  State law requires that a dog be under control by the owner at all times.  Ed LeBlanc to contact Jon Parker.  The Selectmen will contact Ralph Joyce once contact has been made by Ed LeBlanc.
  2. DOT contacted Jim Roberts about the triangle island at the end of Gould Rd.  Mike Souliere will be working with DOT to re-shape this area.
  3. Mike Souliere communicated that the Dennet Rd ditching will be performed next week.




 Motion by Jim Trask seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 20:00.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
