
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

January 22, 2006

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Angela Cushman, Jim Trask, Jim Roberts

ABSENT:  Ed Leblanc

OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Souliere, John Boissonnault, Lisa Whitney, Wilma Harris, Sheila Dube, Rodney Carpenter

EXECUTIVE SESSION:  The Selectmen were executive session from 19:00 to 19:45.

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:45



1.      Darcy Grondin was appointed to the Budget Committee for a 3 year term.

2.      Jim Roberts was appointed to the Budget Committee for a 1 year term.

3.      Rodney Carpenter was appointed as Fire Chief.


  1. Sheila Dube asked about why Steele Rd. was not being maintained by the Town.  Lisa Whitney communicated that she is having oil delivered tomorrow in hopes they will have power soon to the house.  Jim Trask will contact Paul Poirier about plowing Steele Rd tomorrow to the red gate in order to have oil delivered to the Whitney house.
  2. Wilma Harris asked about the plowing of Hill Rd.  Ted Poirier asked Wilma to contact Paul Poirier to discuss.


  1. The Buzzell Rd. pole application was signed by the Selectmen.  The Steele Rd/Buzzell conduit location application will be signed on Thursday, January 25th by the Selectmen.
  2. Tree maintenance was completed on Hill and Buzzell Rds.
  3. Jim Trask gave an update on potential training on General Assistance.  Training would be made available from the State. Selectmen to determine date of training.  
  4. Lisa Whitney asked about the status of the petition of increasing the Selectmen board from 3 to 5 members.  The signatures on the petition have been reviewed and it was determined there are enough required signatures.  Ted Poirier communicated that next steps would be determined at the next meeting.  Jim Trask communicated that if a Special Town Meeting is to be held prior to Annual Town Meeting, the meeting would need to occur prior to March 8th .  Also, Lisa Whitney asked the Selectmen to consider thinking about changing the date of the annual town meeting.
  5. Rodney Carpenter, new fire chief, was in to meet the Selectmen.  On Wed., February 21st a joint meeting will be held with Lyman and Dayton Selectmen and Budget Committee boards at 7 pm at the Fire Station.
  6. Angela Cushman will have letters prepared for the current listing of outstanding liens for next week.
  7. Jim Trask gave an update on potential Sexual Harassment Training for volunteers.  Jim did check with Saco Recreation regarding this training.  Saco does not require this training.  Jim Trask to check in to whether this is required for insurance purposes. 


  1. Ted Poirier gave an update on the meeting held on January 10th with the School Board, Selectmen and Budget Committee.  The Selectmen asked the School Board to work towards a 10% reduction for the school budget.
  2. Ted Poirier gave an update on the meeting held on January 17th with MMA regarding workers compensation.  The workers compensation policy covers both town and school employees.  MMA will be contacting the school to discuss the workers compensation policy.


  1. As a result of the executive session the Selectmen made the decision to continue to pay single health insurance coverage for employees through the end of the fiscal year, June 30th.  The Selectmen will be meeting will all employees in June to negotiate new contracts. 


1.      01/24/07 Payroll Warrant

2.      01/24/07 Accounts Payable Warrant

3.      12/18/06 & 01/08/07 Selectmen Meeting Minutes

4.      Pole Application dated January 5, 2007 for Buzzell Rd.




 Motion by Jim Trask and seconded by Ted Poirier to adjourn at 20:40.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
