
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

Dec. 10, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Jim Trask, Jim Roberts, Angela Cushman


OTHERS PRESENT:  Darrell Whitney, Archie St. Hilaire, Kennie Blow, John Gay

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00








The Selectmen reviewed and briefly discussed the following:

Derrik Vezina email regarding the Bickford Rd. 

12/10/07 CEO Report



  1. Darrell Whitney asked about the status of the lawsuit involving Steele Rd.  Darrell also asked about the status of the road.  Darrell also stated that the truck entering sign near Dayton Sand & Gravel needs to be fixed.  Ed LeBlanc stated that questions about the lawsuit involving Steele Rd. need to be addressed to Tim Murphy, the attorney representing the Town.



  1. Dan Cabral, York County Commissioner, provided an outline of Dayton’s County Tax Assessment.  Angela Cushman to schedule Dan Cabral to attend a Selectmen’s meeting.
  2. Town property on Hollis Rd. – Jim Roberts stated that David Ordway, Town Attorney, is still working on this issue.
  3. Jim Trask provided an updated on the school re-organization.  The group has submitted a plan to the State and is awaiting approval. Now more detailed work will begin on wards, contracts, etc.  After the consolidation, the school is still owned by the Town, but all maintainence will be the responsibility of the RSU.  As part of the consolidation, the RSU can not close down any school for 5 years.   
  4. The Selectmen discussed briefly the proposed contract zoning ordinance.  A decision will be made when all Selectmen are present.
  5. Saco River Corridor Commission is looking for new members.  If anyone is interested, please contact the Selectmen.
  6. The Town Office Building committee will meet on Jan. 9th at 6:30 P.M.
  7. The Waste management contract expires in March 2008.  The Selectmen discussed accepting bids for the waste management contract.  A bid proposal will need to be put together.  Jim Roberts will draft a bid proposal.
  8. Angela Cushman provided an update on the automatic foreclosure notices that were mailed on the 2005 tax liens.  We are seeing some activity.  These residents have until 12/29/07 to pay their outstanding taxes.



  1. Kennie Blow and Archie St. Hilaire from BBI were in to discuss waste management.  The Selectmen communicated that the waste management contract will be put to bid.  Bids will be finalized before the contract is awarded.
  2. Mike Souliere has determined that the culvert at the end of Lavoie’s driveway needs to be changed on the Bickford Rd.  Mike will contact the Lavoies’ to schedule work.
  3. Salt & Sand Mix available at the Transfer Station for Residents only.
  4. Mark and Mary Descoteaux asked the Selectmen for an abatement of taxes relating to a piece property owned by them that was taxed as build-able lot.  The Zoning Board Appeals has determined that the lot is not build-able.  The Selectmen asked Mark and Mary Descoteaux to submit their request in writing.  The Selectmen will research and respond to their request.
  5. The Office Christmas Party will be held at 1:00 P.M. on Dec. 19. 


12/12/07 Payroll Warrant

12/12/07 Accounts Payable Warrant




 Motion by Ed LeBlanc seconded by Jim Trask to adjourn at 20:00.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
