
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

October 22, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Jim Roberts, Jim Trask, Angela Cushman


OTHERS PRESENT:  Sheila Dube, Lisa Whitney, Jon Boissonnault

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00










  1. The work to update the polling location at the Dayton School is still work in progress. Mike Garrity, SU7 Maintenance, is overseeing the work. 
  2. Employee Handbook – 1st draft still being worked on by Angela Cushman and Jim Roberts.
  3. New Town Office Committee members – Selectmen looking for two residents to serve on the committee.  Jim Roberts will send out an email. 
  4. Over the last couple of months the Town has been dealing with several outstanding dog issues.  Lyman is looking to hire a new Animal Control Officer.  Jim Roberts will contact Lyman to inquire about the possibility of sharing an ACO. 
  5. The Selectmen are looking to meet with several individuals to obtain more information on items that might impact the Town in the future.  Angela Cushman working on setting up a date with Dan Cabral.  Barry Hobbins and Gary Connor will be in to speak with the Selectmen on Nov. 5th.
  6. The Town owns property on Hollis Rd. There is currently an easement to access the property.  The Selectmen discussed the possibility of selling or trading this property.  Jim Roberts has been in contact with David Ordway.  The town attorney is still working on determining feasibility of selling/trading.
  7. Jim Roberts asked whether the Selectmen want to get State approval on the Comprehensive Plan.  Other towns have decided not to obtain State approval. The Selectmen decided to move forward without state approval; approved 3/0.
  8. Update on Mapping – no update at this time.
  9.  Jim Trask provided an update on the school re-organization. Arundel has decided to go with Kennebunk.  Based on the population of the school there is a formula to figure out playground area.  All teachers within the RSU will be brought up to the highest pay scale.
  10. Mike Souliere, Road Commissioner, some work has been completed in determining town lines.
  11.  Jim Roberts provided an updated on the shoreland zoning ordinance and the zoning ordinance.  Any changes to these ordinances will need to occur at the next Town meeting.
  12. Angela Cushman provided an update on Tax Liens.  Angela currently has a call into MMA to address additional questions that have come during this process.



  1. Maurice Ouellette, York County Sheriff, was in to speak to the Selectmen.  The Sheriff’s Office covers 14 towns that do not have a police station.  About 1 ½ yr ago, the Sheriff’s Office and the State Police agreed to a coverage contract.  The 14 towns, 585 square miles, are broken down into 3 zones; A, B, & C.  Each month the Sheriff’s Office handles 2 zones and the State Police handle 1 zone. Every 60 days the zones change between the Sheriff and State Police.  Arundel has additional coverage contract.  There are currently 17 sheriffs including supervisors.  Some towns have established contracts with the Sheriff’s Office to have dedicated deputies.  The Sheriff’s Office is in constant communication with the State Police and works closely on cases/issues.  Ted Poirier asked about issuing summons during dog issues.  Maurice stated that by statue Town’s are required to have ACOs that can issue summons.  Sheriff and State Police will provide support to ACO when issuing summons but will not issue.  The budget for this past year was approximately $8.1 for jail services and $2.5 for police services.  Towns that have a Deputy Sheriff are full time (40 hrs per week) and provide the vehicle, uniforms, benefits, etc.  Towns have created a Public Safety Committee to address issue and determine hours of officer.  For about $80,000 to have deputy sheriff.
  2. Dump permits expiration dates have been eliminated.  Dump permits are limited to (1) per year.  The Selectmen discussed the situation if a resident needs to dispose of more material than the allotted dump permit.  Jim Trask made a motion to charge $35 per yard for any material over the (1) dump permit allowance; 2nd by Ed LeBlanc.  Passed 3/0. 
  3. Angela Cushman communicated that for one of projects for the Patriots Day FEMA work needs to complete by October 24, 2007.  Ted Poirier to check in with Mike Souliere to check status.
  4. After some research conducted by the Assessor, it was determined that a deed was never completed when Dayton Sand & Gravel sold the Transfer Station land to the Town.  Jim Roberts has asked David Ordway, Town’s attorney, to address issue.
  5. Jim Roberts stated that the light at the Transfer Station is currently not working.  Also, Paul Poirier, Town’s Snow plowing contractor about the possibility of paving near the salt shed.  Jim Roberts to fix light.  Ed LeBlanc to contact Dayton Sand & Gravel about the possibility of paving.
  6. Selectmen meetings will be every Monday night at 7 pm.
  7. Millie Tuttle was in to give an update on the Eleven Town Meetings.  A survey was given to the Selectmen regarding possible areas of work the towns could share; i.e. GPS, grant writing, computer specialist, and tax assessor.
  8. As of October 22, 2007 the uncollected balance on the approximately $2.2 million real estate and property taxes committed is approximately $219,000.



  1. 10/03/07 Accounts Payable & Payroll
  2. 10/17/07 Accounts Payable & Payroll



 Motion by Jim Trask seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 20:45.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
