
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

June 4, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Angela Cushman, Ed LeBlanc, Jim Trask, Jim Roberts


OTHERS PRESENT:  Skip Cushman, John Gay, Mike Souliere, Lisa Whitney, Sheila Dube, Walt Bresnahan, Keith Stone, John Boissonnault

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00







  1. John Gay asked about getting gravel needed on the shoulder between Woody Brown’s and John Gay’s houses.  Selectmen will contact Mike Souliere. 
  2. Sheila Dube complained about the airplane noise during this past weekend.  Selectmen advised to call the Biddeford   Airport.
  3. John Bossionault asked about the status of the new recreation fields.  Selectmen will have Keith Harris provide an update.


  1. Selectmen discussed the proposed insurance coverage quotes from MMA and Paquin & Carroll.  Selectmen will make a decision next week.


  1. Skip Cushman was in to communicate the latest of the school regionalization.  Under this drafted plan all schools would stay open and all teachers would keep their jobs.  The proposed region would be Saco, Dayton and Old Orchard.  Thornton Academy would get 60% of the enrollment and Old Orchard would get 40%.  Right now Dayton does not receive 100% funding by using a private high school.  Part of the proposal has a provision to transfer property (building & assets) to the region. Any debt that was subsidized by the state would be taken over by the region. Discussion was held by the Selectmen.  Jim Trask will contact Senator Barry Hobbins to get more information. Angela Cushman will contact Barry Hobbins and Gary Connor to come to a Selectmen’s meeting.
  2. Selectmen discussed establishing a possible stipend for EMA Director, PJ Tangney.  Angela Cushman to invite PJ in to talk with the Selectmen. 
  3. Walt Bresnahan, Little League President, and Keith Stone. Recreation Committee chair, were in to discuss the maintenance of the baseball field specifically mowing and watering throughout the year and to determine responsibility of maintaining the field.  The Selectmen gave the Recreation Committee the authority to determine who and how the field should be maintained throughout the year. Walt Bresnahan will obtain a couple of quotes and get back to the Selectmen.  Currently, the town carries insurance for building & contents on the snack shack.  Ed LeBlanc questioned whether additional insurance is needed for selling food.  And the Recreation Committee pays the CMP bill for the snack shack. Angela Cushman to provide the name & phone number of the business that currently mows the school property.  Also, Angela will contact the Town’s insurance company regarding selling food.  
  4. Selectmen discussed establishing an investment policy. 
  5. Selectmen discussed the mil rate for the next tax year.


1.      May 7, 2007 Selectmen minutes

2.      May 21, 2007 Selectmen minutes

3.      May 30, 2007 Accounts Payable & Payroll Warrants

4.      May 2, 2007 School Payroll Warrant & May 8, 2007 School Accounts Payable & Foodservice Warrants

5.      York County Juvenile Fire Safety & Intervention Collaborative Participation Agreement

6.      Warrant for Annual Town Meeting July 1, 2007June 30, 2008



 Motion by Ted Poirier seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 20:20.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
