
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

August 6, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Angela Cushman, Jim Roberts, Ed LeBlanc,


OTHERS PRESENT:  Craig & Becky Frappier, John Gay, Skip Preston, Selana Preston, Laurie Vezina, Kim Frappier, Matt LeBlanc, Mr. Sweet

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00





  1. Michelle Boisjoly, Assessor, exp. 08/06/2007.


  1. John Gay participated in the Hazardous Waste Day.  He was able to dispose of paint cans.  Saco did not accept pesticides.  Pesticides need to be taken to Portland on Riverside St.  John stated the wait was a little long, but was worth the visit.


  1. Selectmen discussed the situation at the Boat Launch.  Ed LeBlanc asked what individuals thought about possibly expanding the boat launch parking.  The response was not in favor of this proposal.  Craig & Becky Frappier communicated that the situation is out control once again at the boat launch.  Skip Preston communicated that an individual blocked his driveway.  Mr. Sweet, FPL, communicated that he can not close down the boat launch.  He mentioned that the Portland Water District on Sebago Lake has a manned booth and charges to use the boat launch.  Matt LeBlanc, FPL, stated that charging fees would violate their licensing with the State.  The boat launch is public.  Matt spoke with IF&W about hp restriction.  Buxton and Hollis would have to be involved with the hp restriction.  Residents also communicated that there are no speed limit signs on Company and Union Falls Rd.  Several ideas were discussed such as a part-time deputy for the weekends, hiring a security company, installing a gate and ticketing (high price) for illegal parking. Craig Frappier also asked about widening the road below his driveway.  Ed LeBlanc asked about FPL sharing the cost to address the boat launch situation.  Selectmen communicated that Ted Poirier will contact the Sheriff, Maurice Ouellette, to attend a Selectmen’s meeting.  Mike Souliere will be contacted to put up 35 mph speed limits signs.  Jim Trask to contact Dale Johnston, Action Security, regarding a security service contract.  The Selectmen committed to having something in place for next summer to address the boat launch issues.
  2. Mike Polakewich was in to complain about the triangle island at the Gould Rd and Rt. 35 intersection.  Mike’s suggestion was to remove the island, flair down about 25 feet and paint.  Ted Poirier communicated that the island will be removed.


  1. Currently, the emergency lighting is not working at the Town Office.  The Selectmen authorized the work to be completed by Holly Electric.


  1. 08/08/07 Accounts Payable Warrant
  2. 08/08/07 Payroll Warrant
  3. Requests for training/time off




 Motion by Jim Trask seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 20:15.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
