
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

October 29, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Jim Roberts, Jim Trask, Angela Cushman, Michelle Boisjoly, Mike Souliere


OTHERS PRESENT:  Sheila Dube, Lisa Whitney, John Gay

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00




November 12th the Town Office will be closed for the holiday.  The Selectmen will be November 13th at 7pm.




  1. Selectmen reviewed the CEO Report.
  2. Selectmen reviewed the letter received from Sheriff Ouelette outlining the number and type of calls for the Town.


  1. John Gay asked whether a specimen ballot was posted.  There is a ballot posted in the upstairs hallway at the Town Hall.


  1. Employee Handbook – 1st draft still being worked on by Angela Cushman and Jim Roberts.
  2. New Town Office Committee members – Selectmen looking for two residents to serve on the committee.    Angela Cushman informed the Selectmen that three people have expressed an interest.  The Selectmen would like interested residents to come to a Selectmen’s meeting in the near future.
  3. The Selectmen are looking to meet with several individuals to obtain more information on items that might impact the Town in the future.  Barry Hobbins and Gary Connor will be in to speak with the Selectmen on Nov. 5th.  Dan Cabral will be at the Selectmen’s meeting on Nov. 19th. 
  4. The Town owns property on Hollis Rd. There is currently an easement to access the property.  The Selectmen discussed the possibility of selling or trading this property.  David Ordway, town attorney is still working on determining feasibility of selling/trading.
  5. Update on Mapping – Amos Gay to discuss with Selectmen on Tuesday, Nov. 13th.
  6. Jim Trask and Sheila Dube provided an update on the school re-organization.  The three towns will be broken into wards based on population.  Probably Dayton and North Saco will become one of the wards.  Jim and Sheila will be attending some upcoming meetings.
  7. Mike Souliere has worked with Amos in determining town line.  Town line markers are in and will be put up soon.
  8. Mike Souliere will update speed limit signs town wide next fiscal year.
  9. Angela Cushman provided an update on Tax Liens. Automatic foreclosure letters will be sent out by Nov. 29th.
  10. The deed for the Transfer Station property is still being worked on by David Ordway, Town’s attorney.
  11. Jim Roberts has contacted Lyman regarding the possibility of sharing an Animal Control Officer.  Lyman will provide information to the budgeting committee for consideration for the upcoming fiscal year. 
  12. Ed LeBlanc to contact Dayton Sand & Gravel regarding about paving area near salt shed at transfer station.



  1. Michelle Boisjoly was in to give an update on digital mapping.  An RFP was mailed to several companies.  Michelle met with Southern Maine Regional Planning to get more information and suggestions on GIS.  Several towns have been contacted for more information specific to digital mapping companies.  Jim Trask made a motion to accept Kappa Mapping’s proposal and Michelle’s recommendation; 2nd by Ed LeBlanc.  Passed 3/0.   Kappa Mapping cost is higher than the amount appropriated over the last couple of years.  Current balance in the tax map account is $5,475 and Kappa Mapping cost is $6,355.  Selectmen discussed possibly using some of the appropriation for computers.  Angela Cushman to review possibility and report to Selectmen.
  2. The Selectmen discussed what process should occur when the office should be closed during storms.  Ted Poirier will determine whether the office should be closed and contact personnel.
  3. Angela Cushman to contact Keith Harris about providing an update on the ballfields to the Selectmen on Tues, Nov. 13th.
  4. Mike Souliere reported that some of the fencing has been damaged at the transfer station.  Mike to obtain as estimate to repair fencing.  Selectmen will review estimate.



  1. 10/31/07 Accounts Payable & Payroll
  2. 10/31/07 Accounts Payable & Payroll
  3. Training/Time Off Requests



 Motion by Ed LeBlanc seconded by Jim Trask to adjourn at 20:00.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
