
SELECTMEN’S MEETING MINUTES                                                                                                              

April 30, 2007

PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Angela Cushman, Ed LeBlanc, Jim Trask, Jim Roberts


OTHERS PRESENT:  John Gay,  Mike Souliere, Sheila Dube, John Boissonnault, Woody Brown

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00






  1. John Gay asked about the intersections on Gould Rd. where individuals are not obeying the stop signs. After discussion it was determined not much can be done to ensure compliance. 
  2. Sheila Dube asked about obtaining information on the Schavi settlement.  Angela Cushman to contact lawyer to determine process for requesting information. 




  1. Ed LeBlanc has discussed with Dan Gay, Budget Committee Chair, about requesting audit reports of the Goodwins Mills Fire Department.  Ed LeBlanc will follow up with Dan on obtaining these audit reports.
  2. Mike Souliere was in to discuss replacing the culverts on the Hollis Rd/Anderson Corner (Red Brook) and on Union Falls Rd.  Mike asked about hiring an engineering firm to determine the process of replacing these 2 culverts.  Mike and PJ Tangney will try to attend a briefing on May 8th for FEMA funding.  After that briefing the Selectmen will decide on next steps.  Mike will be working on some shouldering and tree removal.  Also, patching needs to be done on Hollis Rd after Dearborn’s and shouldering on the Buzzell Rd between Harris Farm & Steele Rd. 
  3.  Thornton Academy payment schedule was discussed by the Selectmen.  The Selectmen will ask the School Board to re-look at the payment schedule to allow for the Town to take advantage on interest.
  4. Michelle Boisjoly, Tax Assessor, and Jim Roberts, CEO, will be attending a forum on GIS on May 10th .  The Assessor’s office will not be opened on May 10th .
  5. The Selectmen discussed changing the date of the Town Meeting.  State Law suggests holding the town meeting after Election Day.  The Selectmen decided to change the annual town meeting to Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at 6:30 pm at the Dayton School Gym. 
  6. Election Day workers are needed Tuesday, June 12, 2007.  Janice Saunders, Town Clerk will coordinate election workers and Ed LeBlanc to coordinate moderator and warden.


  1. 05/02/07 Accounts Payable Warrant
  2. 05/02/07 Payroll Warrant
  3. GIS Training request
  4. Dayton School payroll & accounts payable warrants



 Motion by Jim Trask seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 20:10.

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
