Dayton Planning Board March 4, 2014
Members Present: Rand Clark (Chair), Remi Caron, Dan Plourde, John Boissonnault, Valerie Cole (Alt.)
Town Employees present: Jim Roberts (CEO), Selectmen Ted Poirier and Jerry Taylor
Administrative: The minutes from January 7, 2014 and February 4, 2014 were read and approved. Remi Caron motioned, Dan Plourde seconded. All voted in favor.
Old Business: REVIEW OF ZONING ORDINANCE: Members reviewed definitions in Article 4, Construction of Language and Definitions. Points to note: • A Conditional Use is permitted only after review and approval of the Planning Board, and typically has restrictions such as hours of operation, lighting, equipment, signage, and others as deemed necessary. • Automobile Junkyard: regulated by Selectmen. • The term "garage sale" needs to be defined, as does “yard sale”, which is referenced but not included in the definitions. • Accessory dwelling units contain individual living spaces and need to meet lot restrictions in terms of setbacks and acreage. The minimum lot size must be met for each living unit. They should not be confused with accessory units, which need to meet setbacks but don't have to meet acreage requirements. • Flood Plain map (page 23) references FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate Map of December 1, 1980. This map has not been updated.
New Business: ROLE OF THE PLANNING BOARD: Members discussed the role of the Planning Board, which is to make the application of code to situations, and at times may involve interpretation. The intent is to allow the landowner to use their property to the full extent possible within the guidelines of the code. The Board must be careful to not set precedents, and needs to be careful in how it enforces regulations, so as to apply standards as evenly and fairly as possible to all applicants. The role of the Planning Board is separate and distinct from that of the Selectmen. It is the responsibility of each Planning Board member to act impartially. The meeting adjourned at 8:05. The next meeting is scheduled for March 18, 7:00 PM. __________________________________________________Date:_____________________ Valerie J. Cole, Secretary __________________________________________________Date:______________________ Rand Clark, Chair COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor THESE MINUTES MAY NOT BE TRANSCRIBED VERBATIM. SECTIONS MAY BE PARAPHRASED FOR CLARITY.