


DECEMBER 22, 2008


PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Jim Roberts, Angela Cushman


ABSENT:  Ed LeBlanc


OTHERS PRESENT:  John Gay, Lisa Whitney, Sheila Dube


Selectmen Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00.










  1. Selectmen reviewed reporting from School Union 7.
  2. Grant Writing Seminar.  A grant writing seminar is being conducted in Portland.  Selectmen discussed having someone attended a grant writing workshop in the future.   
  3. An abatement request from Linda Hooper.  Michelle Boisjoly, Tax Assessor, is aware of the request and has responded to Linda Hooper.  Angela Cushman to respond to Linda Hooper regarding her request of the Selectmen. Real estate abatements can only be completed by the Assessor.



  1. Fire Department Committee.  Ted Poirier to follow up with Paul Poirier regarding his interest in being the resident representative on this committee.
  2. Multi-purpose room use.  Angela Cushman and Jim Roberts to draft a policy for the Selectmen review.  Jim Trask asked whether our current insurance covers groups using the multi-purpose room.  Angela Cushman informed the Selectmen that groups would have to provide proof of insurance prior to using the space.  Ted Poirier suggested obtaining a copy of the guidelines developed by the school for gym use.
  3. Hazardous Waste Days.  Ted Poirier still trying to connect with Saco Public Works.
  4. Banking.  Ted Poirier provided an overview of the meeting with Gorham Savings.  Jim Trask made a motion to accept Gorham Savings Bank proposal for banking services and to change from Key Bank to Gorham savings bank effective immediately; 2nd by Ted Poirier.  Passed 2/0.
  5. Foreclosure update.  Angela Cushman, Treasurer, provided an updated on the remaining 2006 outstanding taxes.  There are still 4 accounts still outstanding. 



  1. RSU Board Election.  There is one individual that has turned in nomination papers – Howard “Skip” Cushman.  The Selectmen made a motion to call for a municipal warrant to hold a secret ballot election to elect a Regional School Unit board on Tuesday, February 10th.  The polls will be open from 4pm to 8 pm. Selectmen suggested minimum staffing for elections.







  1. 12/31/08 A/P Warrant
  2. Request of personnel leave




Jim Trask made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 19:27


*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.



_________________________ Ted Poirier, Chair


_________________________ Ed LeBlanc


_________________________Jim Trask

