


FEBRUARY 25, 2008


PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Angela Cushman, Jim Roberts, Mike Souliere, Jim Trask


ABSENT: Ed LeBlanc


OTHERS PRESENT:  John Gay, Patrick Corcoran, Darrell Whitney


Selectmen Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:05.














  1. Darrell Whitney asked about the possibility of posting signs near Harris Farm for skier traffic.  Jim Trask will contact Keith regarding purchasing some signs.  The town would provide posts and install.



  1. School re-organization.  No update at this time
  2. Snow Plow contract.  David Ordway, Town Attorney, has provided a draft contract to the Selectmen for review.  Selectmen will review and discuss draft contract on March 3rd at 6 pm.
  3. Employee Handbook.  Angela Cushman to update the policy and submit to the Town’s attorney for review. 
  4. Saco River Corridor Commission.  The commission is looking for a representative from the Town.  Anyone interested should contact one of the Selectmen.    
  5. Building Committee. The Building Committee will be meeting February 27h, 6:30 pm. 
  6. Animal Control Officer.  Ed LeBlanc to follow up with Ken Guay.
  7. Budget schedule.  The Selectmen will be conducting budget workshops on Mondays starting March 3rd at 6 pm prior to the Selectmen meetings. 
  8. Solid Waste Reporting.  Jim Trask completed and signed the reporting.
  9. Maine Municipal Association would like to conduct a review of all town buildings including the school.  Angela Cushman to coordinate date & time with Mike Garrity, Jim Roberts and Andy Cole.  Review has been tentatively scheduled for March 12th.



  1. Bids for the Waste Management Contract were opened and read by the Selectmen.

            Waste Management bids were received from BBI and Corcoran Environmental and both met             specifications.


            BBI curbside: $1155 per week; demo: $85 per ton; metals: $0 metals; $50 monthly container rental;             $100 per month rental for recycle container; $150 per haul recycle container, $95 other container;             transfer station attendant $260 per Sat & $120 per Sunday.


            Corcoran curbside: $1130 per week; demo: $70 per ton; metals: $20 off-scale, scale $185, $165 paid   to Dayton; $35 monthly container rental; $85 per haul per container; transfer station attendant $210       per week. CES would offer organic waste control to the school at no additional costs. Dumpster at            school included in weekly haul. CES promotes recycling.  Patrick Corcoran was present to answer             questions and to clarify some areas of the proposal.


            John Gay asked about timing of garbage pickup. 


            Ted Poirier to contact Ed LeBlanc regarding submitted bids.  Ted Poirier to contact bidders tomorrow             regarding decision.


  1. Bids for the Hights Landing were opened and read by the Selectmen.  Both bids met specifications.  Selectmen will make a decision at a later time.


                        Gerard Paradis bid $2,000 with a $200 deposit.

                        Dave Hill bid $20,000 with a $2,000 deposit.


  1. Angela Cushman asked about the use of the small modular for recreational committee use.  Selectmen agreed that the small modular can be used when the gym is not available.


4.  Mike Souliere, Road Commissioner, will provide a road budget to the Selectmen by the end of March.  Roads that Mike will be concentrating on next fiscal year will be the Bickford Rd., Southern View and Murch Rd.  On Bickford Rd. culverts, ditching and paving will be completed.  The big culvert on Bickford Rd. will be replaced this spring.  The Town will be receiving some FEMA money towards replacing this culvert.  Signs and roadside mowing accounts for about $35,000 of the entire road budget; the remainder is used mainly for paving.



  1. Selectmen minutes dated 02/11/08, 02/19/08




Motion made by Jim Trask to adjourn meeting at 20:20.


*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.



_________________________ Ted Poirier, Chair


_________________________ Ed LeBlanc


_________________________Jim Trask

